Kavi Edit Help

Chapter 6. Finish Session Tab

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The Finish Session Tab

The Finish Session Tab

Use the Finish Session tab to complete your editing session and commit or discard any edits you have made. During your session, the pages you are editing are protected from editing or viewing by other users by a session lock that persists for the duration of the editing session. You can selectively publish changes to the live site mid-session by clicking the select box next to the changes you want displayed, then clicking Accept Edits. You can also roll back unpublished changes by selecting and discarding edits at any time during a session. The session lock remains in place until you explicitly accept or discard all your edits, even if you log out or close your browser.


The pages you have edited will remain locked until you end your session by accepting or discarding all edits to release the session lock. Although the session locking functionality is great when you have to make extensive edits or are interrupted mid-edit, it can have you gnashing your teeth when someone forgets and leaves a session lock on indefinitely. It's best to make a practice of ending your editing session by resolving all outstanding edits at the end of the workday whenever possible to avoid having others blocked by your session lock when you are out of the office.


If you want to find out who has a session lock on a webpage, the Manage Pages tab displays the username of the individual with the session lock.

Figure 6.1. Finish Session tab circled

Finish Session tab circled

The Finish Session tab lists all the files you have edited during the current session and when the edits were made. You have the option of accepting or discarding edits selectively. Once you have resolved all outstanding edits, the session lock will be automatically released unless you opt to continue your session.

Figure 6.2. Finishing a session

Finishing a session

Select some edits and click the Accept Edits button to make these changes visible to anyone who visits your web site. If you select some edits then click the Discard Edits button, you will be asked to confirm your decision. If you confirm your decision, all of the selected edits are deleted. You do not have to accept or discard all your edits at one time. You can leave some changes hidden in your session to be worked on later. The Continue Session button allows you to continue your work with the session lock enabled.


If you do accept only certain edits, remember to check for dependencies to be sure all necessary pages and files are included. Since you are viewing the complete version in the session, you won't necessarily see that the version released to the outside world when you accepted the partial edits is missing a required file. If a page containing a link to a file is accepted and the link's target file isn't, the link would be broken. The target file needs to be accepted as well to fix the publicly displayed version of the page.

For instance, if an image 'chicken.jpg' is added during a Kavi Edit session, then the page 'road_crossing' is edited by adding a link to the image '<img src="chicken.jpg">', the editor viewing the page in session will see the image of a chicken displayed on the page. If the editor then accepts the page but forgets to accept the image 'chicken.jpg', the page displayed to the outside world will have a broken link. To fix the problem, the editor has to to accept the image file as well.

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