Kavi Edit Help

Chapter 5. Navigation Tab


Using Kavi Edit's Navigation Tab, you can control the navigation elements of your site by setting which pages are displayed, the link title, and by adding links to external sites.

When you click on the Navigation Tab, you will see a list of pages, files, and links in the current page. The page that you are currently editing is listed at the top of the page.

Figure 5.1. Editing Site Navigation

Editing Site Navigation
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Types of Navigation

Kavi Edit can be used to generate and manage four types of navigation. The design and setup of your site determine which types of navigation you have available.

Top Navigation

A single row of navigation links, usually restricted only to top-level pages, such as Press, Home and Events. Top navigation is generally set up and configured by Kavi staff.

Left Navigation

A column of navigation links showing pages both above and below the current page as well as all pages on the same level.


A single-line trail of visited pages, starting at the site home. Breadcrumbs provide the user a quick way to get back to pages they have visited.

Site Map

A tree of all visible pages on the site, where pages can be hidden and revealed by clicking on the plus and minus icons.

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Page Visibility

You can control which pages show up in your site navigation by setting the page visibility. The three kinds of visibility are Default, Always, and Never.


The page shows up in the left navigation when it is in the line of visited pages. The default setting shows pages when they are on the same level as the current page, just above the current page, or just inside the current page. In other words, the default setting shows parents, children and siblings of the current page.


The page always shows up in the left navigation, no matter where you are on the site.


The 'Always' option is only available for pages that are at the top level or inside a parent page whose visibility is set to 'Always'.


The page (and all pages inside this page) are never shown in the navigation.


  • Breadcrumbs show all pages visited, regardless of their visibility.

  • Site Maps only show top level pages always.

  • Top Navigation only shows one level of navigation. Sub-pages do not appear in top navigation.

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Link Text and Order

You can change the text for each link by changing the navigation title. By default, the navigation title is the same as the page title. However, if you change the navigation title here, it does not change the page title. When you are finished editing page titles, click 'Save Changes'.

To change the order of the links in the left navigation, you can enter in a specific order number for each page, or use the 'Reorder these pages in navigation' pulldown list. Once you have entered order numbers or chosen from one of the order types in the pulldown, click the 'Save Changes' button. All pages are reordered according to the option you chose, and the order numbers are updated to show the new order number.

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Adding External Links

You can add links to other sites or parts of your site that are not in Kavi Edit by clicking the 'Add a New Link' button. Fill in a title and URL for the new link and click 'Add Link'. For an external link, you need to enter a complete URL for example http://www.kavi.com. The new link now shows up in the list of pages. You can change the link title and reorder links just as you do for all other pages.

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