Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 77. Add a List Type


The Add a List Type tool is used to create custom List Types for your organization's mailing lists. List Types are preconfigured ezmlm templates on which mailing lists are based. Ezmlm options set at this level control the behavior of every mailing list based on this List Type, such as whether ezmlm email commands can be used to subscribe to these mailing lists or retrieve archives and rules governing the posting process. List Type settings also determine whether certain features are enabled in these mailing lists, such as digests and raw ezmlm-idx archives.

There are three ways to set options in this tool:

  • Go directly to the Add a List Type tool and set each configuration option individually on Step 1.

  • Clone an existing List Type to have the configuration options prefilled, then reset those that need to be different than the cloned type.

  • Go to Step 2 (Preview and Save) and edit the ezmlm-make argument string. Edits made here override settings from Step 1. There are some options that are available in the ezmlm-make argument string that aren't presented through the web form that is displayed on Step 1.

To Clone or Not to Clone

The fastest and easist (and most foolproof) way to create a new List Type is to clone an existing List Type. The Manage List Types tool provides a Clone link for every List Type. Find the List Type that most closely resembles the type you want to create and click the Clone link. You are taken to the Add a List Type tool with all the options prefilled to match the original List Type. Add a name for the new List Type, reset whatever options you desire and save your new List Type. Most people will find this to be their preferred approach.

Alternatively, you can use this tool without cloning Click Add a List Type if you want to create a custom List Type that isn't based on any existing List Types. If you want to add a new List Type that is very similar to an existing List Type, you will probably find it is faster and easier to clone the existing List Type then edit only those settings that you want to behave differently.

If you are an ezmlm expert and want to edit the ezmlm-make argument string directly, you will notice that the ezmlm-make argument string is editable on the second step of the Add a List Type tool (Preview and Save). You may find it fastest to use the clone link so that the options are prefilled when this tool is displayed and all you have to do before proceeding to Step 2 is set the name and description of your new List Type. No matter what options were selected in Step 1, they will be overridden by whatever arguments you set in the ezmlm-make string on Step 2.

Ezmlm Disclaimer

The Kavi Mailing List Manager uses ezmlm software to support its mailing lists. Ezmlm provides a rich and rather complex set of configuration options that have evolved in response to conditions that are unique to mailing lists. Many of these can seem counter-intuitive to users who don't have a lot of experience managing mailing lists. Before adding or editing any List Types, be sure you are thoroughly familiar with the Concepts documents on email, mailing lists and List Types.

Kavi Mailing List Manager interfaces and help documents include ezmlm arguments for use by individuals who have acquired expertise with ezmlm. Remember that the configured behavior is often dependent on how ezmlm arguments work in combination rather than how any one argument is set. To complicate matters, the behavior documented in the UI and help documentation may be overridden if the mailing list has a customized ezmlm-rc file, so if you notice that a list has a custom rule file you should not assume this list will behave in the same way as other lists based on this List Type.

The Ezmlm Arguments field displays the ezmlm-make argument string for reference. For a simplified overview of this List Type's configuration settings, click the View link. For a more detailed description of each argument and how it works in combination with other arguments, see Ezmlm Quick Reference Guide in the Appendix.

The ezmlm-make argument string can be edited directly. It does include some arguments that aren't presented in the web-based configuration options, but direct manipulation of this string is for experts only and is outside the scope of this documentation. The full array of ezmlm configuration options is documented on the ezmlm site: www.ezmlm.org.

Use the Add a List Type tool to:

Create a custom List Type.

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How to Add a List Type


Set options for your new List Type, including a name and description. At a minimum, the description should specify posting rules and whether users can subscribe via email commands. If this is a cloned List Type, it is useful to mention the related List Type and call out the differences between the types. On the Preview and Save step, your List Type configuration settings are displayed for you to review, including the ezmlm-make argument string. Experts can edit the argument string directly on this step if desired.


Add List Type

Set the name and description of the list.


A plain-text name for this List Type.


A detailed plain-text or HTML description of this List Type. Administrators read this description when adding or editing mailing lists, so it should provide any important information about this List Type's configuration, especially posting rules and any restrictions on the use of email commands to subscribe or retrieve raw archives.

Configuration Options

Select from the available options to configure your new List Type. The ezmlm-make arguments are displayed in parentheses after each option for reference purposes.


Kavi Mailing List Manager does not expose all available ezmlm options through the Add form on Step 1. If you wish to set options that aren't available here, proceed to Step 2 and edit the ezmlm-make argument string directly.

Subscription Model

This option is used to select whether mailing lists based on this List Type are open to public subscription requests or closed, in which case all subscription requests must be approved by a moderator. Regardless of whether a list is open or closed, both of these options include closed-loop email confirmation.

Closed subscription model with confirmation (HJs)

Select this option to have mailing lists based on this List Type moderate all subscribe and unsubscribe requests submitted via email commands.

Open subscription model with confirmation (HJS)

Select this option to have mailing lists based on this List Type use the open subscription model, allowing users to subscribe or unsubscribe via email commands without being moderated.

Who can post to the list?

Set who is allowed to post to mailing lists based on this List Type. Posting rules run the gamut from entirely open (anyone can post) to highly restricted (only moderators can post), but the majority of List Types allow some kinds of senders to post messages directly to the list while messages from lower-level list users (especially messages from public senders) are sent for moderation or rejected.

Anyone can post (MU)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type post all messages directly to the list.

Anyone can post but all posts moderated (mOU)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type allow anyone to submit messages for posting but send all messsages for moderation.

Subscribers can post and all others moderated (mOu)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type only allow subscribers, moderators and Allowed Poster to post messages directly to the list. Posts from unknown (i.e. public) senders are sent for moderation.

Subscribers can post and all others rejected (Mu)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type only allow subscribers, moderators and Allowed Posters to post messages directly to the list. Posts from unknown (i.e. public) senders are rejected.

Subscribers can post, all others are rejected, and all posts are moderated (muy)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type only accepts messages from subscribers, moderators and Allowed Posters, but sends these posts for moderation. Posts from unknown (i.e. public) senders are rejected.

Only moderators can post (mo)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type only accept posts from moderators and send these posts for moderation (i.e., each moderator must approve their own message before it is posted). This is the most restrive setting for posting rules.

List Archives

These settings apply to raw ezmlm-idx archives only, as opposed to MHonArc archives that have been processed for publication on the website. For more information, see archives in the List Features document.

Do not archive list messages (A)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type will not have archives of any kind. Although archives are desirable for most mailing lists, lists without archives have lighter system requirements.

Messages archived for moderator retrieval only (ab)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type accept archive retrieval commands from moderators only. The raw archives are not accessible to subscribers or to the public.

Messages archived for subscriber retrieval (aBg)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type accept archive retrieval commands from subscribers, but not from public senders. The raw archives are accessible to subscribers but not to the public.

Messages archived for public retrieval (aBG)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type accept archive retrieval commands from public senders, so the raw archives can be retrieved by anyone.

Instant Archiving

Configure whether new postings are added immediately or periodically to the web-viewable MHonArc HTML archives for this List Type. This setting is dependent on the existence of raw ezmlm-idx archives (i.e., the -a switch is set). If archives do not exist, this option is ignored. Raw ezmlm-idx archives are always updated instantly; this setting controls MHonArc updates.

Archive incoming messages at arrival (i)

If this option is set, the web-viewable archives for mailing lists based on this List Type are instantly updated whenever a message is posted to the mailing list. This option is generally recommended so that email threads in the web-viewable archives are kept current.

Archive messages periodically (I)

If this option is set, the web-viewable archives for mailing lists based on this List Type are updated periodically rather than instantly. The default interval for periodic updating is one hour.

Add a prefix to the subject line

Select whether mailing lists based on this List Type have a prefix prepended to the subject line of posted messages. By default, the prefix is the name of the list enclosed in brackets, but this can be overridden in the Add a Mailing List or Edit a Mailing List tools. For more information on prefixes, see prefix in the List Features document.

Yes, add a prefix to the subject line of each message (f)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type will have a prefix automatically added to the front of the subject line.

No, do NOT add a prefix to subject lines (F)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type will not have a subject prefix.

Add trailer to posted email

Select whether mailing lists based on this List Type have a trailer automatically appended to each email before posting. For more information, see Trailer Text in the List Features document.

Yes, add trailer text to the end of each message (t)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type have trailer text automatically added to the end of each plain text email message.

No, do NOT add trailer text to the end of each message (T)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type will not use trailer text.

Public subscription requests

Select whether mailing lists based on this List Type accept administrative email commands from public senders; such as subscribe and unsubscribe requests. The P argument works in combination with other ezmlm arguments, For information on this subject, see Ezmlm Quick Reference Guide in the Appendix and public subscription requests in the List Features document.

Yes, respond to public subscribe/unsubscribe requests (p)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type respond to administrative requests from public senders, such as subscribe or unsubscribe email commands. Even if this option is selected, the user will receive an email confirmation request that must be returned to the organization before the request will be fulfilled.

No, do NOT respond to public subscribe/unsubscribe request (P)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type ignore email subscription requests from from public senders.

Allow Attachments

Set whether lists based on this List Type will accept email with MIME attachments or not. For most lists, set this value to 'Yes' to allow MIME content such as non-English character sets and binary files. If this is set to 'No', only plain text (i.e., 7-bit US-ASCII characters) email messages are accepted.

Although there are costs associated with allowing MIME attachments that are not incurred when only plain text is allowed (e.g., email with MIME attachments have larger file sizes than plain-text email, binary files have to be managed to guard against possible malicious content, etc.), limiting a list to plain-text email only is so restrictive that this alternative is only suitable for certain types of lists (e.g., a private list used by a group of Organization Admins who communicate with each other in a Western European language that uses the Roman alphabet).

Yes, allow MIME attachments (X)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type accept non-text MIME type email attachments. Recommended for all List Types.

No, allow only plain text messages (x)

If this option is set, mailing lists based on this List Type accept plain text 7-bit US-ASCII email only.

Scan for Viruses

This configuration option controls whether F-Prot virus protection is enabled for mailing lists based on this List Type. As mentioned in the discussion of the 'Allow Attachments' option, virus protection is especially important for list types that allow MIME attachments. This option applies only if F-Prot virus scanning is enabled on your website. For more information, see Virus Scanning in the Concepts section.

Yes, enable virus scanning of incoming messages (z)

Select this option to have email and attachments sent to mailing lists based on this List Type scanned for viruses and other types of malware (e.g. worms, trojans, spyware, etc.). This option is ignored if F-Prot virus scanning is not enabled on your website.

No, disable virus scanning (Z)

Select this option if mailing lists based on this List Type won't have virus scanning enabled.

Preview and Save

This step gives you an opportunity to check your configuration settings. As mentioned, mailing list experts may choose to edit the ezmlm-make argument string on this step. If you are not an expert but would like to become one, Kavi Mailing List Manager provides extensive help on mailing lists and ezmlm. The documents listed in the Related Topics can get you started or you can use the search tool to see what help is available on a specific subject. When you are satisfied with the settings for your new mailing List Type, click Save.


Your custom List Type has been added! If you want to add another List Type, click Add Another.

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