Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 81. View a List Type


The View a List Type page presents a quick overview of a List Type, including its status, configuration and whether it has a customized ezmlmrc file. List Types are preconfigured ezmlm templates on which mailing lists are based. Ezmlm options set at this level control the behavior of every mailing list based on this List Type, such as whether ezmlm email commands can be used to subscribe to these mailing lists or retrieve archives and rules governing the posting process. List Type settings also determine whether certain features are enabled in these mailing lists, such as digests and raw ezmlm-idx archives.

Ezmlm Disclaimer

The Kavi Mailing List Manager uses ezmlm software to support its mailing lists. Ezmlm provides a rich and rather complex set of configuration options that have evolved in response to conditions that are unique to mailing lists. Many of these can seem counter-intuitive to users who don't have a lot of experience managing mailing lists. Before adding or editing any List Types, be sure you are thoroughly familiar with the Concepts documents on email, mailing lists and List Types.

Kavi Mailing List Manager interfaces and help documents include ezmlm arguments for use by individuals who have acquired expertise with ezmlm. Remember that the configured behavior is often dependent on how ezmlm arguments work in combination rather than how any one argument is set. To complicate matters, the behavior documented in the UI and help documentation may be overridden if the mailing list has a customized ezmlm-rc file, so if you notice that a list has a custom rule file you should not assume this list will behave in the same way as other lists based on this List Type.

The Ezmlm Arguments field displays the ezmlm-make argument string for reference. For a simplified overview of this List Type's configuration settings, click the View link. For a more detailed description of each argument and how it works in combination with other arguments, see Ezmlm Quick Reference Guide in the Appendix.

The ezmlm-make argument string can be edited directly. It does include some arguments that aren't presented in the web-based configuration options, but direct manipulation of this string is for experts only and is outside the scope of this documentation. The full array of ezmlm configuration options is documented on the ezmlm site: www.ezmlm.org.

Use the View a List Type tool to:

View a List Type.

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View a List Type


Select the List Type you wish to view and click Select. If you accessed this tool from the Manage List Types page, this step has already been performed.




Status can be either 'active' or 'inactive'. If 'active', this List Type is available to administrators when adding or editing mailing lists. If 'inactive', it isn't available for use by mailing lists and isn't displayed in the Add a Mailing List or Edit a Mailing List tools.


A plain-text name for this List Type.


A detailed plain-text or HTML description of this List Type. Administrators read this description when adding or editing mailing lists, so it should provide any important information about this List Type's configuration, especially posting rules and any restrictions on the use of email commands to subscribe or retrieve raw archives.

Existing Lists

A complete list of all existing mailing lists based on this List Type. Changes to the configuration of this list type will immediately and permanently affect these lists.


The ezmlmrc rules file used for this List Type. If this is 'default', the ezmlm-make arguments in the List Type function as described in the help documentation. If this is not 'default', the default behavior described in the documentation may not apply, since an ezmlmrc file is used to specify custom behaviors for one or more of these arguments.

ezmlm-make Arguments

The ezmlm-make argument string containing this List Type's current configuration settings.

Configuration Option Settings

The configuration option settings are displayed. These are the options set through the form fields when a List Type is added or edited. Additional options can be set in the ezmlm-make argument string.


Indicates whether this List Type is configured to allow cross-posting or not. List Types with the following combinations of ezmlm posting rule arguments allow cross-posting: mOuY, Mu, muy.

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