Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 122. Add a Company Type


Use the Add a Company Type tool to create additional Company Types for Kavi Workspace, including types assigned through memberships, types assigned to staff companies and general types that group and classify companies in ways that are useful to the organization.


Since roles associated with a Company Type are inherited by every user who belongs to a company that has been assigned that type, Company Types are rarely associated with roles that grant administrative or editorial access privileges. Be sure to read the Concepts document on Company Types before using this tool.

If you aren't familiar with the way that types are used to confer roles that grant access to Kavi Members tools and other areas of the website, see the Concepts documents on Roles, Types and Access before using this tool. If you aren't certain how the different classes of types are applied, see the Concepts documents on Company Types, Contact Types and User Types.

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How to Add a Company Type


Provide a name, description and category for the Company Type you want to add, designate this type as default or not, and select any roles that should be conferred through this type.


The name of the type.


This name must be unique.

It is recommended that type names be capitalized as proper nouns to differentiate them from roles with similar names. Capitalized names also display nicely in reports.


A short textual description of the type. If this type conveys any access, the description should include this information (e.g., 'Conveys access to Members and Board areas.').

Associated Roles

Select zero or more roles for your new type.


A type is not required to have roles associated with it. Custom types can be used as a convenient way to group users or companies according to type, and in these cases it may not be necessary to provide privileges through this type.


The category assigned to a Company Type or User Type determines how and where the type is displayed on tool pages. The categories are: 'General', 'General (with membership only)', 'Admin Access' and 'Editor Access'.

If you are adding or editing a type and aren't sure how to categorize it:

  1. If the type is assigned through membership, it belongs in the category 'General (with membership only)'.

  2. If the type isn't assigned through membership and confers roles that grant Admin Area or Reports Area access, it belongs in the category 'Admin Access'.

  3. If the type isn't assigned through membership and confers roles that grant Kavi Edit privileges but not Admin Area privileges, it belongs in the category 'editor'.

  4. If the type isn't assigned through membership and doesn't confer roles that grant Kavi Edit access or access to Admin Areas and tools, it belongs in the category 'General'.


Select this option if you would like this type to be automatically assigned to new companies that submit membership applications online. This option will also be preselected for companies added through the Add a Company tool and applied by default to companies added through the Upload Data tool, although administrators can override the default when adding companies individually or through batch uploads. It is auto-assigned to companies whose assigned Purpose matches the Purposes selected in this tool.


Select the Company Purposes for which this type is applicable. This type is only displayed in tools used to manage companies if the company's purpose matches one of the purposes in this column. If this type is auto-assigned, it is assigned to companies with these purposes.


You've just added a new Company Type!

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