Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 167. Add a Report


Use the Add a Report tool to build custom reports for your organization. There are six Report Types on which reports can be based: Company, User, Company Membership, Individual Membership, Account Signup and Groups. Each Report Type correlates to a database query that retrieves a certain type of data. If you set the status of your new report to 'active' it becomes available immediately in the Reports Area under the heading that matches the Report Type you've selected.

For more information on using the Report Builder tool, see the Concepts document Creating Custom Reports in Report Builder.

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How to Add a Report

Report Type

Select the Kavi Members Report Type based on the data you need for your report. The Report Type determines which data fields are available for inclusion in your report.


Set details such as the report name, description and a filename for the downloadable results, then select the fields for your report. You may use the 'Select All' button as a shortcut when you want to select all or most of the fields in a column, then uncheck those that you don't want. Conversely, you can use the 'Deselect All' button when you want to remove all the checkmarks in a column, then select just the fields you actually want in your report.

There may be some restrictions on field availability. Fields that display static values rather than a checkbox cannot be selected. Custom fields are displayed after default fields on this step, but this doesn't determine the order in which these fields are displayed on the report or report results. You can set the field order as desired on the next step.



Enter a name for your report. This is the name that will be displayed on the report and the Reports Area Menu.


Enter a short description for your report.


The Report Type you selected on the previous step is displayed.

Download Filename

Set the name for the file containing the Downloadable Results. Standard best practices suggest the filename should be all lowercase and contain no spaces. Your filename should NOT include an extension, because the application automatically adds the extension when the file is created.

You may opt to have the date of the report or the username of the user who runs the report appended to the filename. This makes it easier to track when the report was run and who created it.



Select the field that you want to have a fixed value, if any. If you do select a fixed field, you will set the value of the fixed field on the next step.


Select the fields to be displayed to users on the Search Form. This should include whatever fields need to be searched on when running reports.


Select the fields to be displayed in the Viewable Results. If you limit the number of viewable fields to 15 or less, the Viewable Results can be sorted by field. If the number of fields in the Viewable Results exceeds 15, the fields won't be sortable.


Select the fields to be included in the Downloadable Results. This can be a much more extensive set of fields than those in the Viewable Results, and may include fields that aren't selected in any other column.

Fixed Criteria

If you selected a fixed field in the previous step, select the operator (if available) and value for the fixed field. Press Next when you have finished configuring your fixed fields.


Configure your report forms by setting the order in which fields are displayed on the Search Form, Viewable Results and Downloadable Results, and setting default values and operators for applicable fields.

When configuring the Search Form, set the order in which you would like fields to appear on the form, and set default values and operators to the settings most commonly needed by Report Admins. If some of these values or operators need to be reset later to reflect real world usage, you can do so through the Edit a Report tool.


Display Order

Set the order in which these fields will appear on the Search Form displayed to administrators when they run reports.

Default Operator

If you set a default value for a field, you should also select a default operator to finish configuring the preset search parameters for this field. The Report Admin can reset this operator when running a report.

The set of operators displayed for any given field depends on the valid values for that field. These may include 'is' or 'is not', or 'contains' or 'does not contain'. If the specified value is a date, operators may also include 'is before' and 'is after'.

When you designate a field as searchable and it displays 'Show results for' as an operator, the values will be displayed as a set of checkboxes on the Search Form. Any checkboxes you select while configuring the Search Form will be prechecked when they are displayed to the Reports Admin. These fields are in an 'or' relationship, so when a report is run, the results will include records that contain any of the selected values. If none of the checkboxes are preselected by the Super Admin and the Report Admin doesn't check any when running the report, the field will be ignored (i.e., the results will not be restricted by the values in this field). Ironically, the result of running a report with all the field values selected is the same as the result of running a report with none of the field values selected.

Default Value

Set a default value for any field where a Report Admin commonly inputs a certain value on the Search Form. The Report Admin can set a different value when running a report.


Details of your report are displayed for you to preview. If you are satisfied with your settings, press Save. If not, use the Back buttons to navigate back to the step where you want to reset options, then preview and save your settings.


You've just added a new report! If you would like to run this report, click Run Report. If you would like to add another report, click Add Another.


Your new report is automatically set to 'active' and is immediately available in the Reports Area. If you want to hide this report, click the Back to Report Builder button, then click the Manage link and deactivate the report. The report must be active if you want to run it and test it's behavior.

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