Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 64. Run a Report


Use the Run a Report tool to generate reports for your organization with up-to-the-minute content from the Kavi Members database. Set your search criteria then view the displayed results. If the download option is available, download the report to your computer to view the complete results.

Report Types

Each of the subheadings under the Reports and Download section of the Report Tools menu corresponds to a Report Type. The Report Type determines what database tables are queried for the report and what kinds of data are available. For more information, see Kavi Members Report Types in the Appendix.

Prefixed Column Headings

In report results, column headings (i.e., field names) are prefixed to differentiate data fields with identical names that appear in different tables in the database. For example, the company, user and membership tables each contain a 'status' column. Since reports can draw data from more than one database table, the same report can contain multiple status columns. Since the results display prefixed versions of the column name, a report might contain 'company_status' and 'user_status' fields.

Custom Fields

Reports are likely to include custom fields, which are displayed in the context of their data type (company, user or membership), following the default fields in that category.


Tips for running reports:

  • Searches that return a smaller set of results are quicker to process and are less taxing on system resources than searches that return a broad set of results. For optimal tool and site performance, practice the art of devising elegant search criteria that return the report results you need, but contain few extraneous records. When the database is small the savings in system overhead may be almost undetectable, but every user on the site may be aware of the drain on system performance when a search with broad criteria is performed on a database with a large number of records.

  • If more than 15 columns are displayed on the Results step, the columns aren't sortable.

  • Check box fields don't have operators that you can set. If you select more than one checkbox, the search returns values for each box that was checked (i.e., an 'or' operator is implied).

  • Some reports don't include a search form. Simply click Run Report to generate this kind of report.

  • Some reports are designed to be viewed on the Results step only—the Download button and select list aren't displayed because the results aren't downloadable.

Use the Run a Report tool to:

Generate reports for your organization.

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How to Run a Report


Set criteria to select the records you need or run the report without setting search criteria. Depending on the type of search field, you may be able to specify field values and set operators to determine whether the results include the specified value, exclude the value, etc. If this is a date field, operators such as 'is before' or 'is after' allow you to set date ranges. Field types are described in the following list.

Field Types:

check boxes

Click one or more checkboxes to set search criteria. An 'or' operator is implied, so if you select multiple boxes, the results will include records that match any of your selections. If you select all checkboxes (or none of them), the results will be unrestricted by values in this field.

text box

Enter the search value in the text box and select your operator from the pulldown list. Available operators: is, is not, contains, does not contain.

list box

Select the search value from the pulldown list, then select your operator. Available operators: is, is not.


Set the Month, Day and Year, then set your operator. Available operators: is, is not, is before, is after.

Boolean pulldown list

Boolean values consist of a pair of mutually exclusive states, such as 'Active' or 'Inactive' status, plus a value that returns either status. Select the search value from the pulldown list, then select the operator. Available operators: is, is not.


Report results are displayed (providing the report has been configured to present viewable results). If the Download button is displayed, you may download the results. The number of columns included in the viewable results tends to be limited by space considerations, so it is usually necessary to download the report to view the complete results.

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