Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 67. Company Activity History


The Company Activity History tool is used to create customized views and reports of company-related activity for troubleshooting or reporting purposes, including membership status changes, company data changes and notes added by administrators. Data recorded for each activity includes the activity's origin, when it occurred and the type of activity.

  • Create a real-time overview of changes to company data in the Kavi Members database.

  • Get information useful for troubleshooting.

  • Download company activity information.

If you need to know which database fields were affected by the change, use the Company Activity Log tool.

If you want to access company data for a specific company or group of companies, use a Company Data Report.

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Using the Company Activity History


Set any of the optional fields to refine the search criteria. To view all available company activity history information, leave the search fields set to the default values.


Select the name of the company whose activity history you want displayed, or leave it at the default setting All Companies.

After This Time

Use this field to set a point in time. The Company Activity History will include only those changes logged after the time specified.

Before This Time

Use this field to set a point in time. The Company Activity History will include only those changes logged before the time specified.


The time fields can be used together to specify a bounded time range beginning at the time set in the After This Time field and ending at the time set in the Before This Time field.

Who Initiated Action

Search by the username of the user initiating the change. The username 'system' indicates an automated or uploaded change. The username 'Anonymous User' indicates the change was made from a publicly accessible page.


Set this value to search for changes with a specific origination. This commonly includes:

All Originations

Changes may have originated anywhere.

Admin Addition

Changes made independently by the organization administrator


Changes made by automated tools, such as automatic deactivation for expired members


Changes made by using online user information management tools


Data added using an upload tool

Activity Type

Set this value to search for changes with a specific Activity Type. This can be one of many default activity types (e.g., Added, Edited, Renewed, etc.) or an activity type specific to this organization.


A Company Activity History is displayed for the company you selected, according to the search criteria you provided. Click the Download button if you want to download this information. Click Add a Company Activity Record if you wish to add a new activity or note to this company's activity history. The column headings displayed in the report include notes that will have been added by admins when managing accounts.

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