Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 53. Change User Status

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The Change User Status tool allows a company administrator, such as the Primary Contact, to instantly deny or restore website access to a company representative by switching the user's status from 'active' to 'inactive', or vice versa. When viewing the Company Roster, the Deactivate link is displayed for 'Active' users, and the Activate link is displayed for 'Inactive' users. Inactive users are often hidden. Use the search tool at the top of the page to select which users are displayed based on user Status.

Deactivate a User

Click the Deactivate link on the Roster next to the user's name, then confirm the status change on the next step. When you deactivate a user, the user's ability to access the website is instantly revoked. All of the user's information, workgroup affiliations, types, roles and password are retained, but the user can no longer access protected areas.

Most email sent by the organization excludes 'Inactive' users, so the user is unlikely to receive email messages from the organization, except in the unlikely case that an email notification is scheduled to go out automatically when a user is deactivated.

Activate a User

Click the Activate link on the Roster next to the user's name, then confirm the status change on the next step. To reactivate a user, simply change the user's status back to 'active'. When you activate a user, the user's ability to access the website is instantly restored.

An email notification may be scheduled to go out automatically when a user is deactivated.

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