Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 178. Configure Kavi Members: All Options


The options available on the Configuring Kavi Members: All Options page are now available through other Kavi Members tools, but this page has been left in place for those who wish to use it to view all these Kavi Members configuration options on a single page. Because the tool has been deprecated, it doesn't newer configuration options.

Once a site is configured and operational, any changes in the configuration options may have dramatic or unanticipated effects on the appearance and behavior of Kavi Members tools. Be sure you understand the ramifications of any proposed changes before editing these options. If you aren't sure of the ramifications of changing a setting, you may want to refresh your memory information by studying the Membership Setup Concepts document and follow the links to the setup tool page help provided under the description of each option listed here.


When you are ready to implement your changes, you MUST click the Save and Update Kavi Members button (located at the bottom of the tool page) to update the application. Before you click this button, your edits are saved but NOT implemented, so you can make multiple edits before performing an update.

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How to Set Policy and Configuration Options

View the current settings or select and edit any option you wish to change. When you are satisfied with your edits, click Save and Update Kavi Members to update the application. Configuration changes go into effect immediately.

Policy Options

Should a company's address be included in the information collected from companies?

This option is set to 'Yes' for organizations that collect company mailing addresses. This option is now available through the Optional Company Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a company's image or logo be included in the information collected from companies?

This option is now available through the Optional Company Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a user's address be included in the information collected from users?

Users can be sensitive about sharing their mailing address with organizations. However, if address is not collected here, a separate database must be maintained if the organization wishes to send traditional mailings to users. This option is now available through the Optional User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a user's image or logo be included in the information collected from users?

This option is now available through the Optional User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a company be able to add a user?

If this option is enabled, company administrators can add new representatives for their company. This option is now available through the Company Administrator Access section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a company be able to change its own name?

If this is selected, company administrators can edit their company's name. This option is now available through the Company Administrator Access section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.

Forms Affected

Company administrator tools — Edit a Company. Changes company name from a viewable to an editable field.

Recommended Setting
  • Company-based organizations = 'NO'

  • Individual-based or Mixed organizations = 'YES'


Should a company be able to change its own URL?

Some organizations are concerned that a company administrator may change this URL to something inappropriate. The URL can be used to link the company from a public roster or marketplace.

This option is now available in the Company Administrator Access section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


This option has been integrated into the Kavi Members ZMI.


Should passwords be encrypted?

Set this to 'YES' to store passwords in a more secure, encrypted format. This option is now available through the Security Options section in the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should an error be displayed to users who enter an unknown email address when requesting information through public interfaces?

If this option is enabled, Kavi Members alerts displays an error to a user who enters an unknown email address via a public user form. This option is now available through the Security Options section in the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should users be prompted for a home phone?

If this options is enabled, the organization collects home phone numbers from users through optional fields on membership applications and signup forms. This option is now available through the Optional User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should users be prompted for a secondary email address?

This option is set to 'Yes' if the organization wants to collect an alternate email addresses. This option is now available through the Optional User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should users be required to enter a primary email?

If this option is enabled, a primary email address is required for all user accounts. This option is now available through the Required User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should a user's work phone be a required field?

If this option is enabled, a phone number is required for all user accounts. This option is now available through the Required User Fields section of the Set Organizational Properties tool.


Should nonmembers be tracked for this organization?

Set this option to configure whether nonmembers will be tracked in the Kavi Members database or not. Your organization's definition of nonmembers may be different than the definition used by Kavi Members. If your organization wants to track any users that fall into the Kavi Members definition of 'nonmember', this option should be set to 'YES'. Sites that track nonmembers require customization.

Forms Affected

This option determines whether or not information on nonmembers will be stored in the Kavi Members database, so it primarily affects back-end functionality. If this option is set to 'NO', available Purposes won't include 'Nonmember Company' or 'Individual Nonmember' .

Recommended Setting

All organization types = 'YES'


Should accepted domains for a company (including subdomains) be unique? For more information, see Unique accepted domains in the Concepts document on Accepted Domains.

Forms Affected

None. This option affects back-end functionality.

Recommended Setting

All organization types = 'No'


Should users be able to change their company when editing their account information?

Setting this to 'YES' removes a layer of oversight for those organizations that want to ensure all users are employed by member companies. On the other hand, there are benefits to allowing users to update their company to reflect job changes or correct previous input errors.

Forms Affected

User's Edit Account Info

Recommended Setting
  • Company-based organizations = 'NO'

  • Individual-based or Mixed organizations = 'YES'

Configuration Options
max image height

The maximum allowed height of a company logo or user image (in pixels).

max image width

The maximum allowed width of a company logo or user image (in pixels).

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