Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 109. Set Organizational Properties


The Set Organizational Properties tool is used to set properties that describe the organization (e.g., name, domain, administrative email), and options that have a profound effect on the site's structure, behavior and the kind of data stored in the database.

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How to Set Organizational Properties

Set Properties

Set or edit the properties that describe this organization and the kinds of data to be tracked.


Once the 'Organization Type' and 'Track Nonmember' properties are set, editing either of these fields has widespread effects on site configuration, application behavior and the site's database. Be sure you understand the ramifications of these changes before implementing them.

Organization Name

The name of this organization. This is used throughout the site on page templates and email templates, etc.

Administrative Email

The address(es) entered here are used throughout Kavi Members, especially in forms and as the 'From:' address of template-based email automatically generated by the web site.

Organization Type

This is the most significant configuration option in Kavi Members. This setting determines whether primary accounts are granted to companies only, individuals only, or to both companies and individuals. It determines which Kavi Members tools are available, how forms are displayed, what kinds of data are collected and much, much more.

Track Nonmembers

Enable this option if your organization wants some nonmembers to have accounts in Kavi Members. If this is enabled, the nonmember purposes 'Nonmember Company' and 'Individual Nonmember' are installed on the site, depending on whether your organization's memberships are for companies, individuals, or both.

The nonmember designation is usually applied to companies and users who have a limited degree of site access. These may be liaisons from other organizations, regulators or other observers.

This designation is not generally used for staff, who are assigned the 'Staff Person' purpose and assigned to a 'Staff Company'. Some organizations use this designation for external staff, particular legal counsel. In these cases, the legal counsel is often given it's own group or mailing list. Sometimes Web design firms or outside Web designers are designated as nonmembers, but they are usually classified as staff.

The rules for managing nonmembers vary greatly from organization to organization, so sites that grant nonmember accounts or enable online signup for nonmembers generally require customization. Kavi Members manages nonmembers almost like members, providing basic access to the My Account and Company Account pages and other tools used to manage accounts. Outside of Kavi Members, the level of access granted to nonmembers may vary between highly restricted or essentially open, depending on the organization. Companies and users with the nonmember purposes are not allowed to hold memberships.

Member Fields

Set these options to configure forms that collect user and company data.

Optional Company Fields

Set this option to 'Yes' if the organization wants to collect an image for its companies (or logo). If set to 'Yes', this field appears in Admin Area and Reports Area tools, and appears on company membership application forms by default. The logo may be displayed on rosters and directories.

Required User Fields

Set these options if the organization requires a primary email address or work phone. If selected, the field is available through Admin Area and Reports Area tools and is included in individual membership applications and company representative signup forms by default.

  • Primary Email

    This option is strongly recommended for all organizations because so much of an organization's business is conducted by email. Kavi applications scheduled email is generally directed to the primary email address, and users are frequently required to interact with mailing lists through known email accounts to protect the list from unauthorized users. For example, if a user is allowed to apply for a Kavi Members account without providing an email address, the automated welcome email containing their login link will bounce.

  • Work Phone

    This option is set if the organization wants to require a phone number for every user account. Many organizations conduct their business almost exclusively by email and find this requirement unnecessary. On the other hand, enabling this option forces a user to enter a phone number during the signup process (although it cannot ensure that they will enter a real phone number). When users are required to supply a work phone, those without direct dial numbers may enter false information in order to proceed with the signup process. If this is enabled, the phone field appears on the roster and all add and edit user forms.

Optional User Fields

These options are set to 'Yes' if the organization wants to collect either of the following kinds of optional data: address, home phone, image or logo, or secondary email address. If set to 'Yes', the field is available through Admin Area and Reports Area tools and is included in individual membership application forms by default.

  • Home Phone

    People can be sensitive about sharing their home phone numbers. If this option is selected, the organization should be sure that it makes a comprehensive Privacy Policy available on the site that includes an explanation of how it manages sensitive personal information. The Privacy Policy should specify whether a person can opt out of having their home phone displayed in rosters and directories, and whether the organization retains personal information in the database after the person leaves the organization.

  • Image or Logo

    If this option is selected, images of individuals or company representatives can be collected and displayed on rosters, directories and in Kavi® Showcase profiles. Graphics files tend to be rather large and consume system resources for transfer and storage, so if none of these features are in use, this option should be disabled (i.e., left unchecked) to conserve system resources. If you select this option, be sure to set the Image or Logo Dimensions option.

  • Secondary Email

    This option is set to 'Yes' if the organization wants to collect an alternate email addresses. The organization may allow users to post to mailing lists from this alternate address. It can be useful when the users primary email address is unavailable. This option is generally contraindicated for company-based organizations that enforce accepted domains after signup.

Security Options
Encrypt Password

If enabled, passwords are stored in an encrypted format and are not displayed to account holders on the Change Username and Password tool pages. This more secure option is recommended for all organization types. If an organization wants passwords to be displayed in the UI as plain text, this option can be disabled.


Company Administrator Access

If this option is selected, company administrators, such as the 'Primary Contact' can add new representatives for their company, which creates new Kavi Members accounts for these users. This is an efficient way to add new representatives and can save the Organization Admin a lot of time and hassle but places much of the control over the addition of new company representatives at the company administrator's discretion.

This setting makes most sense for highly inclusive company-based organizations that enforce few restrictions on the company representative signup process (e.g., don't use moderated signup). It is a poor fit for exclusive company-based organizations that want to limit the number of representatives from any one company, etc. With few exceptions, this option is a bad fit for individual-based or mixed organizations and should be disabled (i.e., unchecked).

Add new company representatives

Check this option if your organization wants to allow privileged types of company representatives to add new company representatives. This reduces the burden on Organization Admins but hands control over this process to company representatives. The Add a User tool is displayed to users with the 'company_admin' role if this option is selected.

One of the issues to consider when making this decision is how your organization implements accepted email domain enforcement. Accepted domains can be enforced at different levels, and most organizations will opt NOT to enforce accepted domains at the Company Admin level, so a company representative who isn't attentive to organization policies could potentially add a user with a primary email address that isn't issued by the company. This could especially cause problems with mailing list subscriptions.

This option is recommended for all organizations that offer company memberships.

Edit the company's URL

If this option is selected, company administrators can edit the Company URL field through the Edit a Company tool in the Company Admin Area. Since company URLs may be displayed on rosters and Kavi® Showcase profiles, some organizations prefer to keep the ability to edit company URLs in the hands of the Organization Admin to guard against the URL being changed to something inappropriate.

Edit the company's name

If this option is selected, company administrators can edit the Company Name field through the Edit a Company tool in the Company Admin Area. Selecting this option relieves the Organization Admin of some of the burden of performing minor corrections or edits as company names evolve, but it also opens the door to potential problems with membership dues, as a company may change their name without paying dues for what may essentially be a new company. Most company-based organizations prefer NOT to select this option because they want companies to provide formal notification of name changes, which allows the organization to monitor changes in its company members more closely.

Show Company Roster

When this option is enabled, all of a company's representatives are able to see their company's roster and view contact information for others from their own company. Company representatives can't see other company's rosters.

When this option is disabled, company representatives are not able to view their company's roster.

If the organization enables a privacy opt-out for users through the Configure Privacy Options tool, users who opt out may be omitted from the roster or else certain contact information is omitted.

Allow Individuals to Change Company

Select this option if you want users to be able to change the company to which they belong. This applies only to individual members and nonmembers. It doesn't apply to staff or administrators—and if this is a mixed-type organization that also offers company memberships, it does't apply to company representatives.

This option is recommended for all organizations that offer individual memberships.

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