Kavi® Members Help

Appendix J. Kavi Members Default Scheduled Email and Templates

The first section describes scheduled email and templates that may be installed on your website by default, depending on whether this is a company-based or individual-based organization and whether the Membership feature is enabled or not. The second section describes templates that are installed by default but not scheduled. Default scheduled email and templates may be deleted or deactivated if not needed.

Scheduled Email About Companies

These scheduled email messsages and templates are installed on all Kavi-supported websites by default, but may be deactivated if not needed.

Table J.1. Scheduled Email and Templates About Companies

When Template Recipients Conditions Contents
Company Is Added Company Added Email

To: Primary Contact

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when a new company is added to the Kavi Members database. If the company applied for a membership or account, the company is added to the Kavi Members database when the application is approved. This email may be customized or suppressed by an administrator adding the company through the Add a Company tool, or suppressed during a bulk data upload operation through the Upload Data tool. Welcomes the company to the organization.
Company Is Edited Company Info Changed Email

To: Primary Contact

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when company data is edited. This email may be customized or suppressed by an administrator editing company data through the Edit a Company tool, or suppressed during a bulk data upload operation through the Upload Data tool. Provides notice that company information has changed and invites the recipient to login and review the changes.
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Scheduled Email About Company Memberships

These scheduled email messsages and templates are installed on company-based or mixed sites where the Membership feature is enabled. These may be deactivated if not needed.

Table J.2. Scheduled Email and Templates About Company Memberships

When Template Recipients Conditions Contents
Company Membership Is Denied Company Membership Denied Email

To: Primary Contact

CC: Administrative Email, Organization Admin

Assuming membership is moderated, this message is sent when a moderator rejects a membership application. The moderator can suppress or customize this message. Informs the Primary Contact that the company's membership application has been rejected.
Company Membership Is Pending Moderation Company Membership Moderation Email

To: Administrative Email

Cc: Organization Admin

Assuming membership is moderated, this message is sent when a membership enters the Pending Moderation state. Alerts administrators that a new membership application has entered the moderation queue and needs to be reviewed.
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Scheduled Email About Company Representatives

Table J.3. Scheduled Email and Templates About Company Representatives

When Template Recipients Conditions Contents
Company Representative Is Denied Company Representative Denied Email

To: Company Representative

Cc: Administrative Email, Organization Admin

Assuming signup is moderated, this message is sent when a moderator rejects a Company Representative Application. Informs the Company Representative that their application has been denied.
Company Rep Is Pending Moderation Company Rep Moderation Email

To: Administrative Email

CC: Primary Contact

Assuming signup is moderated, this message is sent when a Company Representative Application is submitted (the application immediately enters the Pending Moderation state). Alerts administrators that a new Company Representative Application has entered the moderation queue and needs to be reviewed.
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Scheduled Email About Individual Memberships

These scheduled email messsages and templates are installed on individual-based or mixed sites where the Membership feature is enabled.

Table J.4. Scheduled Email and Templates About Individual Memberships

When Template Recipients Conditions Contents
Individual Membership Is Denied Individual Membership Is Denied Email

To: Individual Member

CC: Administrative Email, Organization Admin

Assuming membership is moderated, this message is sent when a moderator rejects a membership application. The moderator can suppress or customize this message. Informs the individual that their membership application has been rejected.
Individual Membership Is Pending Moderation Individual Membership Moderation Email

To: Administrative Email

Cc: Organization Admin

Sent when the membership enters the Pending Moderation state Alerts the Organization Admin that a new membership application has entered the moderation queue and needs to be reviewed.
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Scheduled Email About Users

Table J.5. Scheduled Email and Templates About Users

When Template Recipients Conditions Contents
User Is Activated User Activated Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when a user in the Kavi Members database is activated. The default text assumes this user was active when added and was sent a welcome email at that time, so this email is specifically for users whose accounts were deactivated then reactivated. Informs the user that their account has been reactivated so they can now login with their same username and password.
User is Added New User Signup Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when a new user is added to the Kavi Members database. If the user applied for a membership or account, the user is added to the Kavi Members database when the application is approved. Provides a login link and instructions.
User Is Deactivated User Deactivated Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when a user in the Kavi Members database is deactivated. Informs the user that their account has been deactivated so they cannot login.
User is Edited User Info Changed Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent when user data is edited. This email may be customized or suppressed by an administrator editing company data through the Edit a User tool, or suppressed during a bulk data upload operation through the Upload Data tool. Notifies the user that their information has changed and invites them to login and review the changes.
User Password Changed Password Changed Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent to a user when an administrator changes the user's password or username. The administrator can edit or suppress this message (but shouldn't suppress it, since it provides a login link the user needs). Informs the user that their password has changed and includes the $u_change_password_link variable, which supplies a single-use login link that takes the user to the Create New Username and Password tool.
User Password Requested Password Requested Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent out automatically in response to a user's request for a password through the Password Help tool. Includes the $u_change_password_link variable, which supplies a single-use login link that takes the user to the Create New Username and Password tool.
User Renewal Link Requested Renewal Link Requested Email

To: User

CC: Administrative Email

Sent out automatically in response to a user's request for a renewal link. Users who have allowed the membership expiration grace period to elapse can no longer log into the website, but they can request a membership renewal link through public pages. Provides a renewal link and instructions.
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Default Email Templates (Not Scheduled)

These default templates are installed on sites where the Membership feature is enabled. They are not scheduled but can be.

Table J.6. Default Email Templates

Template About Contents Scheduling Options
Renewal: Reminder for a Company Company Membership Expiration reminder and invitation to renew. This could be scheduled to go out a month or two before expiration if memberships aren't auto-renewed. Set the available Conditions options so this email is sent only to members who have not renewed. Recipients might include the Primary Contact and/or Billing Contact.
Renewal: Reminder for a User Individual Membership Expiration reminder and invitation to renew. This could be schedule to go out a month or two before expiration if memberships aren't auto-renewed. Set the available Conditions options so this email is sent only to members who have not renewed.
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