Kavi® Members Help

Appendix K. Kavi Members Email Template Variables


Template variables represent fields in the Kavi Members database. When a page is displayed or template-based email is sent, each variable in the page or template is replaced with a real value retrieved from the database. For example, the variable '$org_name' is replaced with the name of your organization.

Because there are so many default and custom variables potentially available on your website, and the conditions under which they may be installed are so varied, this document does not attempt to present a complete set of variables that may be used in Kavi Members email templates. Variables of most significance are documented and cprovide examples of that will be available to you, and you maydocumented here are available by default in Kavi Members text and email templates. Email templates for your website may include custom variables that represent custom fields in your organization's database. These variables aren't documented here, but should use the standard prefixes and correspond to custom fields displayed in report results.

Template Variable Naming Conventions

Template variables are prefixed with a '$' (to indicate that this is a variable and not a plain text value) followed by a short text string identifying the the entity to which this attribute or link pertains (e.g., 'org' for organization), then an underscore ('_'). The next part of the variable prefix represents the entity to which this attribute belongs. '$a_ identifies a company representative account variable, '$c_' identifies a company variable, 'org' identifies an organization variable, '$u_' identifies a user variable.

After the prefix a short but meaningful text string identifies the data field that the variable represents ('name'). For example '$org_name', '$c_name' and '$u_name' represent the organization name, a company name and a person's name, respectively. A variable that represents a link rather than a data field is appended by '_link'.

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Company Representative Account Template Variables

Default template variables for company representative account data fields are shown in this table.

Table K.1. Organization Template Variables

Variable Example Description
$a_activation_date Oct 20, 2005 The date this account was approved and the user was activated.
$a_creation_date Oct 16, 2005 The date that the company representative account was created. If the user was added through the online company membership application or company representative signup forms, this is the date the application or form was submitted and the user was added to the pending tables. If the user was added by an administrator, this is the date the user was added to the Kavi Members database.
$a_last_modified 11 Apr 2007 14:22:55 GMT-7 Deprecated. Use the '$u_last_modified' or '$c_last_modified' variables instead.
$a_moderate_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/admin/moderate_account_signup?123456789 A link that administrators can use to moderate this company representative application.
$a_moderated_date 2006/06/16 The date this company representative application was moderated.
$a_moderation_queue_date 2006/06/16 The date this company representative application entered the moderation queue date.
$a_start_date   Deprecated.
$a_status   Deprecated. Use the '$u_last_modified' or '$c_last_modified' variables instead.
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Company Template Variables

Default template variables for company data fields are shown in this table. The variables shown here may differ from those available on your website depending on Kavi Members configuration and whether custom fields have been added for companies.

Table K.2. Company Template Variables

Variable Example Description
$c_accepted_domains kavi.com The list of accepted domains for this company.
$c_admin_manage_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/admin/manage_company A link to the Manage a Company tool that Organization Admins can use to manage this company.
$c_company_representative_contacts admin@kavi.com The email addresses (or email alias) of this company's representatives.
$c_company_type Staff Company A list of Company Types assigned to this company.
$c_deactivation_date Oct 7, 2004 This company's deactivation date, if this company is inactive.
$c_display_publicly Yes This company's setting for the Display Publicly option.
$c_edit_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/company/company_edit A link to the Edit a Company tool in the Company Area. Company Admins and Primary Contacts can use this link to edit their company's information.
$c_employee_contacts Vidi Vichi (vidi@example.com), Nick Makura (nick.makura@example.com.zw) A comma-delimited list of people in the Company with the 'Employee' Contact Type. This list can display up to 50 users, but if there are more than 50 users with this type in the database the list is truncated.
$c_individual_contacts Vidi Vichi (vidi@example.com), Nick Makura (nick.makura@example.com.zw) A comma-delimited list of users who have been assigned the 'Individual' default Contact Type. This list can display up to 50 users, but if there are more than 50 users with this type in the database the list is truncated.
$c_last_modified 11 Apr 2006 14:22:55 GMT-7 This company's last_modified date.
$c_mailing_address 123 SW Main Street Portland OR 97215 USA The full address of this company. For more information on address fields, see the Appendix document Address Data Fields
$c_membership_expiration_date March 16, 2006 The expiration date for this company's membership.
$c_membership_info Olive: 01 Jan 2006 to 31 Dec 2007 (Archived) Membership information including membership type, start and end dates, and membership state.
$c_membership_status_link http://www.example.org/kmembership_info/membership_status?participant_key=12345678 A link to the Membership Status page. Users must have the 'company_admin' role to view company information. By default this role is assigned through the 'Primary Contact' Contact Type, but is not ordinarily assigned to all company representatives.
$c_moderate_company_member_link http://www.example.org/admin/moderate_company_membership?participant_key=12345678 A link to the Manage a Company Membership Application tool, which an Organization Admin can use to moderate this company's membership application.
$c_modification_time Jun 16, 2006 4:03 pm US/Pacific A timestamp displaying the date and time the email is generated.
$c_name Example Corporation This company's name.
$c_primary_contacts primary.contact@kavi.com The email addresses (or email alias) of this company's Primary Contacts.
$c_purpose Member Company This company's Purpose.
$c_show_on_signup_form Yes The setting for Show on Signup.
$c_showcase_company_admin_contacts showcase_contacts@example.com The email addresses or alias of this company's Showcase Company Admin. This variable is available if Kavi® Showcase is installed.
$c_signup_date 21 Nov 2003 This company's Signup Date.
$c_staff_contacts staff_contacts@example.com The email alias for staff contacts, if one exists.
$c_status Active This company's Status.
$c_url http://www.examplecorp.com This company's URL.
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Organization Template Variables

Default template variables for organization data fields are shown in this table.

Table K.3. Organization Template Variables

Variable Example Description
$org_admin_email admin@example.org The administrative email alias for this website.
$org_name Example Organization The name of the organization.
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Membership Template Variables

Default template variables for membership data fields are shown in this table. The variables shown here may differ from those available on your site website depending on Kavi Members configuration and whether custom fields have been added for memberships.

Table K.4. Membership Template Variables

Variable Example Description
activation_date 2006/06/16 This membership's activation date.
$m_amount_billed $1000 The Amount Billed for this membership.
$m_archived_date_predicted 2007/06/16 The date this membership at which this membership is scheduled to be archived.
$m_archived_date 2005/06/16 This membership's actual archived date, if the membership expired and was archived.
$m_bill_state Paid The state of the bill issued for this membership.
$m_comment Free text comment. A comment associated with the Renewal Intention for this membership.
$m_creation_date 2006/06/16 This membership's creation date.
$m_expiration_date 2007/06/16 This membership's end date.
$m_info Olive: 01 Jan 2006 to 31 Dec 2007 (Archived) Membership information including membership type, start and end dates, and membership state.
$m_last_modified 2006/06/16 This membership's last modified date.
$m_membership_type Board Member This membership's type.
$m_moderate_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/admin/moderate_indiv_membership?123456789 A link that administrators can use to moderate the application for this membership.
$m_moderated_date 2006/06/16 This membership's moderated date.
$m_moderation_queue_date 2006/06/16 This membership's moderation queue date.
$m_renewal_info intending to renew The renewal intention information for this membership.
$m_renewed_with Sponsor If this membership has been renewed, this is the membership type selected during the renewal process.
$m_replaced_with Board If this membership has been replaced, this is the membership type selected as the replacement.
$m_source Valid values are 'New' or 'Renewal'. The 'Source' field shows whether this is a first-time membership (i.e., 'New') or a renewed membership (i.e., 'Renewal'). This membership's source.
$m_start_date 2006/06/16 This membership's start date.
$m_status Current

Deprecated. If you want to use a variable that shows membership state, use $m_info.

$m_status_link http://www.example.org/kmembership_info/membership_status?form_key=123456789 A link to the Membership Status page.
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User Template Variables

A list of the variables that are available to be included in the template text. Variables are used to represent information stored in the database. The variables available by default for email sent to a user are shown in the table below. The variables shown here may differ from those available on your site depending on how Kavi Members is configured and whether custom fields have been added for users.

Table K.5. User Template Variables

Variable Example Description
$u_admin_manage_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/admin/manage_person?123456789 A link to the Manage a User tool that Organization Admins can use to manage this user.
$u_alternate_email_3 user.name@althost.example.net An alternate email address for this user if the organization collects multiple email addresses.
$u_cell_phone 503-555-1212 The user's cell phone number.
$u_change_password_link http://www.example.com/kbl?k=123456 or http://www.example.com/kmembers/person/change_password The shorter link is sent when the user has requested a new password. The longer link is sent when a user already has a password. It takes the user to the change password page where they can change their username and password.
$u_company_name Example Corporation The name of the company to which this user belongs.
$u_contact_types Primary Contact A list of Contact Types assigned to this user.
$u_deactivation_date Oct 7, 2004 This user's deactivation_date, if this user is inactive.
$u_display_publicly Yes This user's setting for the Display Publicly option.
$u_edit_link http://www.example.org/kmembers/person/change_personal_info/ A link to the Edit Your Account tool in the Members Area. The user can use this link to edit their account information.
$u_fax_phone 503-555-1213 This user's fax number.
$u_first_name Mai This user's first name.
$u_fullname Mai Lee Nguyen This user's full name.
$u_home_phone 503-555-1214 This user's home phone number.
$u_last_login 29 Feb 2004 16:24:35 GMT-7 This user's last_login date. If this user has never logged in, the value displayed in an email is (not recorded).
$u_last_modified 23 Aug 2006 16:24:35 GMT-7 This user's last_modified date.
$u_last_name Nguyen This user's last name.
$u_mailing_address 123 SW Main Street Portland, OR 97215 USA The full address of this user. For more information on address fields, see the Appendix document Address Data Fields.
$u_membership_expiration_date Dec 3, 2006 The expiration date for this user's membership.
$u_membership_info Olive: 01 Jan 2006 to 31 Dec 2007 (Archived) Membership information including membership type, start and end dates, and membership state.
$u_membership_status_link http://www.example.org/kmembership_info/membership_status?participant_key=12345678 A link to the Membership Status page.
$u_middle_name Lee This user's middle name.
$u_moderate_company_rep_link http://www.example.org/admin/moderate_company_membership?participant_key=12345678 A link to the Manage a Company Representative Application tool, which an Organization Admin can use to moderate this company representative's application.
$u_moderate_indiv_member_link http://www.example.org/admin/moderate_individual_membership?participant_key=12345678 A link to the Manage an Individual Membership Application tool, which an Organization Admin can use to moderate this company's membership application.
$u_modification_time Jun 16, 2006 4:03 pm US/Pacific A timestamp displaying the date and time the email is generated.
$u_primary_email user.name@example.com This user's primary email address.
$u_purpose Company Representative This user's Purpose.
$u_receive_email Yes This user's setting for the Receive Email option.
$u_salutation Ms. This user's preferred salutation.
$u_secondary_email username@example.net This user's secondary email address.
$u_signup_date 21 Nov 2003 This user's signup date.
$u_state_province OR The code for the state, province or region portion of this user's address.
$u_status Active This user's status.
$u_title Director of Communications This user's job title.
$u_username jean.nguyen This user's username.
$u_work_phone 503-555-1215 This user's work phone.
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