Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 93. Manage an Individual Membership Application


Use Manage an Individual Membership Application to view an individual membership application, then approve or deny the application. You must use this tool if you want to edit the application or send a personalized email to the applicant. In most organizations, Scheduled Email is not sent out when an application is denied, so if you want to send a message when you deny an application, use this tool.

There are two tools that allow you to manage individual membership applications. The Individual Membership Applications tool is used to manage applications in bulk.

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How to Manage an Individual Membership Application


Information from this individual's membership application is displayed, along with links to tools that allow you to manage this information.

User Information

Click the Edit link to go to the Edit A User tool where you can walk through forms displaying this user's account information and change data as needed.

Click the Delete Application link to go to the Delete an Individual Membership tool. If you delete a membership for an applicant who is not yet in the Kavi Members database, all the user data is deleted along with the application.

Field Description
Activity Note Add an Activity Note to this user's record for future reference. Once created, these notes cannot be edited, and are viewable through the User Activity History, which is accessible through Admin Area Tools and Report Area Tools. Company administrators can view a version of the User Activity History that doesn't include the Activity Notes. Only organization administrators can view Activity Notes.
Address Your organization may collect a mailing address or other address. For information on how addresses are used in Kavi Workspace, see the Concepts document on Addresses.
Admin User Types A list of administrative User Types assigned to this person. Admin User Types confer administrative roles that provide access to Admin Area or Reports Area tools.
Billing Account Information This section is displayed if your organization has Kavi Membership with Kavi Billing installed and this user is an Individual Member. Contact information that has already been entered may be used, or you may select 'Enter different information:' to have fields are displayed so you can enter Billing Account Information.
Company Name The name of the company to which this user belongs. The company name is a clickable link you can use to view and manage company information.
Contact Information This user's Contact Information, including full name, preferred title (e.g., Dr., Ms., Mr.), primary and alternate email addresses, phone and fax numbers. This section may also include a mailing address or other addresses.
Contact Types A list of any Contact Types assigned to this user. A Contact Type defines how the user represents their company to the organization. Privileged Contact Types, such as Primary Contact, may confer roles that provide access to the Company Admin Area, Kavi Edit access, etc.
General Types A list of general User Types assigned to this person. General User Types are used to categorize users but are unlikely to confer roles and access.
Last Login Date A time stamp updated the last time the user logged into the website.
Last Modified A time stamp updated the last time the user's information changed.

Available privacy preference options depend on your organization's policies and web site configuration.

The following options may be available:

Receive Members Email

If set to 'Yes, send general members email', all the usual email from the organization site is sent to this user. If set to 'No, do NOT send general members email', this user is unsubscribed from the members@(your site domain.org) email list and may be excluded from other email generated through the site's mailing lists and the 'Send Template-Based Email' tools.


Kavi® Groups messages go out to designated recipients on group rosters independently of this setting and some organizations have 'members-announce' lists through which they distribute mandatory announcements that do not respect this setting.

Privacy Option

If set to 'Yes, share information', user information will be displayed on the roster.

If set to 'No, do NOT share information', this user's information or entire account can be hidden, depending on the site configuration. Selecting this setting has the following effects:

  • Removes (or partially hides) this user from a roster of people from the same company available to this company

  • Removes (or partially hides) this user from membership rosters and directories

  • In Kavi Groups, sets 'Display my address and phone number in addition to my name and email address' to 'No'

Primary Email Address This user's primary email address. This is the address under which the user will appear on lists and rosters. If this organization enforces accepted domains, this will be a company email address.
Purpose The Purpose assigned to this user (e.g., 'Company Representative', 'Individual Member', 'Individual Nonmember', 'Staff'). Purpose determines what data is tracked for this user, how access is granted, and the way that the user is managed in the system.
Roles A list of any roles (e.g., 'member', 'wg_access', etc.) in this user's role cache. A user can acquire roles by being assigned Contact Types or User Types, or may inherit roles through Company Types assigned to their company. There may be multiple copies of the same role in a user's role cache if the role is associated with more than one type
Secondary Email Address This user's alternate email address, if this organization supports the use of secondary email addresses
Status This value is either 'active' or 'inactive'. An active user is displayed in rosters and directories and can login (assuming the user has the necessary types and roles). An inactive user cannot login, is usually hidden from rosters and directories, and does not receive all the email or mailing list messages that would be sent if the user were active.
Types Granted through Membership General User Types assigned to this individual through membership. These User Types are used to categorize Individual Members and frequently confer roles that grant access to Member Areas of the website.
View Access Configuration

Click this for an overview of all the User Types, Contact Types and Company Types in use on your website. This page also shows which roles are conferred through each type.

If Kavi Membership is installed, Company Membership Types are shown with their related Company Types, and Individual Membership Types are shown with their related User Types.


Field Description
Membership Type The name of this membership type.
Creation Date The date that the membership was added in Kavi Members.
Membership State The state of this membership in the membership workflow process (e.g., 'current', 'archived', 'pending moderation', etc.).

If Kavi® Billing is installed and this membership type has a fee, then the billing information for this membership is displayed in this field:

  • The status of the bill, as defined in Kavi Billing. This can be one of several default values.

  • The amount of the membership fee.

  • The Complete Payment link is displayed if payment is pending. Click this link to complete the payment process.

Membership Status Page A link to the Membership Status Page. This page exists in the Public Area of the website so it is always accessible to users, even those who lack login privileges because their membership is not yet current or has been allowed to expire. Visit this page for an overview of this membership's status, or send the URL to the member so they can monitor their membership status and pay any membership bills.

Moderation Options

Approve or Deny this Membership Application

Approve this membership

Select this option if you would like to approve this membership application. If you approve this membership, automated email notification of approval may be sent to this individual and any admin contacts, if scheduled. Refer to the View Email Schedule tool for more information.

Deny and delete this membership

Select this option if you would like to deny this membership application. Once denied, the pending membership will be deleted from the Kavi Members database. If you deny this application, you will have an opportunity to send an email in the next step.

Bill Information

This field is displayed if this is a billed membership type. Review the Bill State and Amount. Click the button if you want to view or manage this bill in Kavi Billing.

Activity Note

Add an Activity Note to this user's record for future reference. Once created, these notes cannot be edited, so they become a part of the User Activity History, which is only viewable through Admin Area Tools and Report Area Tools.

Send Email

Be sure to enable email on this step so that a welcome email with a login link and instructions is sent to this user.

If you do not send email at this time, you will have to do this manually as a separate task. For instructions, see Using Website Tools to Send Email Manually.


You've just moderated this individual membership application, and the information is displayed for you to review.

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