Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 3. Addresses

Kavi Workspace Addresses

Kavi Workspace is designed to collect addresses in a format that is compliant with North American postal standards. Address fields are configurable, so you may not see every field that is described in the documentation. If your organization stores addresses from outside North America in the Kavi Members database, it may have built-to-suit address fields that vary somewhat from the address field options described here.

This document uses a Kavi Workspace Mailing Address as an example, and includes Billing Account Information, which is a little different. Examples include some of the more unusual use cases, such as addresses with multi-line addressee information, or more than two lines in the street address.

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Address Data and Standard Formats

Kavi Members assumes that you are the best judge of how your address information should be formatted. With the exception of pull-down lists for State/Province/Region and Country or making sure that certain fields are not empty, it performs only minimal validation on your address information. This approach keeps the system simple and flexible, so that if you need to borrow an address line field to accommodate an unusually large block of addressee information (e.g., person, department, campus) you can do so without creating havoc in the organization's database.

If you want your address information to conform to North American postal standards, the rule of thumb is to omit punctuation and use standard abbreviations wherever possible. If you aren't sure which abbreviations to use, see the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) guidelines. For more information on formatting U.S. or international addresses (e.g., where to put the suite number, etc.), we like Frank's Compulsive Guide to Postal Addresses, which offers a wealth of information, and is clear and easy to use.

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Your Address

Your organization may ask you to provide one or more addresses. If you are a member or representative of a member company, this includes Billing Account Information. Here are some tips on viewing and managing your address information.

Viewing Your Address Information

If the organization wants to collect address information, you will see address fields on the application form. Once your account is approved, you can log in and manage your address information on the My Account page.

Who Else Can View My Address Information?

Your address(es) may be displayed on the Company Roster or organization directories, unless hidden because of privacy preference settings. If you are a Company Representative, your company's Primary Contact can view your complete address information, regardless of privacy preferences. For more information, you can read the organization's privacy policy and visit any available directories or rosters to see what kind of information is displayed.

Billing Account Information is kept private, and not displayed in rosters or directories.

Managing Your Address Information

To update your address information, click the Edit link on the My Account page.

If you are a Company Representative, your Primary Contact or other company administrator can view and update your address, along with certain other account information.

Your Billing Account Information

If your organization uses Kavi Membership and you are an Individual Member (or are applying for an individual membership), you may be required to provide Billing Account Information. You can view and manage this information by clicking the Edit link on the My Account page.

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Your Company's Address

This section describes how to view and manage your company's address information, including Billing Account Information. This assumes that you are a Primary Contact or other company administrator, so that you have access to Company Admin Tools.

Viewing Company Address Information

Company address information is usually collected on the company membership application form. Once your company has an account, you and other company administrators can view your company's address information by clicking the Edit link on the My Company page.

Your company's address may be displayed in organization directories, unless hidden because of company privacy preference settings. For more information, read the organization's privacy policy and visit any directories or rosters that are available to you to see what address information is displayed there.

Managing Company Address Information

View your company's address information by clicking the Edit link on the My Company page, which takes you to the Edit Your Company's Account tool.

Company Billing Account Information

If your organization uses Kavi Membership and your company is a Member Company (or you are applying for a company membership), you may be required to provide Billing Account Information. You can view and manage this information through Edit Your Company's Account.

Company Representative Addresses

If address information is collected for Company Representatives, you can view and edit this information through the Manage Company Roster tool.

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Address Fields

Addresses are actually a block of fields that include both addressee and address fields. For addressee fields, most organizations collect both a Contact Name and a Company Name, although this is configurable. The address fields commonly include two address lines (i.e., two lines for the street address), but a third can be enabled. This screenshot shows a webform used to collect addresses on a site that has all address fields enabled.

Billing Account Information, which is described in the next section, has a slightly different configuration, because it includes the Billing Contact email address.

Figure 3.1. Mailing Address Screenshot

Screenshot of mailing address fields on the Edit a
	    Company page. The fields are (in order): Contact Name
	    (text box),
	    Company Name (text box), Address 1 (text box), Address 2
	    (text box), Address 3 (text box), City (text box),
	    State/Province/Region (a drop-down select list for
	    addresses in the U.S. or Canada) plus a text box labeled
	    'Outside U.S. and Canada', Zip/Postal Code (text box),
	    Country (drop-down list of ISO country codes).

Screenshot of mailing address fields on the Edit a Company page. This organization uses both the Contact Name and Company Name fields, with three address lines to collect street address and suite number, etc.

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Billing Account Information

Billing Account Information includes a block of address information in basically the same format as Address Types, but it includes a billing contact email address. Billing Account Information is only collected for Individual Members or Member Company on sites with Kavi Membership. This information is collected and managed in Kavi Members, but is used by Kavi Billing when issuing bills and receipts.

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Address Formats, Variations and Data Entry Rules

Addresses are actually blocks of fields that combine addressee and address information. For addressee information, most organizations collect both a Contact Name and a Company Name, although this is configurable. Billing Account Data has additional contact fields, such as an address, phone and fax.

Prepopulated and Reusable Data

The Contact Name field is prepopulated with the account holder name when address fields are displayed on application forms and the Add a User tool used by Organization Admins.

As mentioned in the previous example, user or company forms that collect multiple addresses provide the option of using the same address information for more than one address block. If your site has a 'Mailing' Company Address Type and Billing Account Information is also present because this form is collecting data for an Individual Member, the Billing Account Information section presents the option of reusing the 'Mailing' data. Since Billing Account Information also requires an email address and phone fields, it can use data from the user's account to populate these fields. Similar options exist for company addresses, but the Contact Name, email address and phone fields must be set explicitly.

Required Versus Optional

Required and Optional Fields within an Address Block

A required address is always required, and most of the fields within the address block are required, but not all.

  • Contact Name is required, but Company Name is not. In a company address where no contact is available, the company name can be entered in the Contact Name field as a workaround.

  • Address 1 cannot be empty, but the other street address fields (i.e., Address 2 and Address 3) may be.

  • The rest of the address fields are required.

Required and Optional Fields in Billing Account Information

If present, Billing Account Information is always required, but some fields within the address block are optional. Required fields are

Optional Addresses

The rules governing optional addresses can be a little more complex, since there are circumstances under which these fields are required.

  • If all fields in an optional address are entirely blank and no other address is based upon the optional address, then it is entirely optional.

  • If any data is entered in the address block, then a basic validity check is applied and the data must meet the criteria listed in Required and Optional Fields within an Address Block.

  • If another address is based on this optional address, then this address is required. The address information must be provided or the dependency established in the other address must be disabled. For example, if an optional 'Mailing' is selected as the basis of Billing Account Information, the 'Mailing' address is required. Whoever is managing the address information has two choices: enter the 'Mailing' address, or unhook the dependency. If the user resets the Billing Account Information prefill option to 'Enter different information' and fills in the required fields in the Billing Account Information address block, the 'Mailing' address becomes optional and all the values can be left empty if desired.

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Address Examples

Here are some examples of properly formatted addresses. Once you know which abbreviations to use, address formatting is a piece of cake. The table in the first example shows how data would be entered in available fields for a basic mailing or shipping address. The address block shows how this data looks when printed out or displayed in a read-only field. The next two examples show the most complex kinds of addresses encountered in North America: an example of multi-line addressee information and an example of a multi-line street address.

The most common configuration for an address block includes a Contact Name, a Company Name, and two lines to collect the street address. All examples use this configuration.

Example 3.1. Basic Address

Here is an example where the addressee is a specific person at a company. It is common to have mail that is intended for a Member Company to be sent in care of someone who is authorized to receive it. It is also common for an Individual Member or Company Representative to receive business communications at their company address rather than their home address. This example has a compound street address that includes a suite number, but the information is short enough to fit on a single line.

Field Sample Value
Contact Name Mark Twain
Company Name Mississippi Paddlewheeler Boatworks
Address 1 555 River Rd Ste 22
Address 2  
City Joplin
State/Province/Region MO
Postal Code 64800-1111
Country USA

Mark Twain

Mississippi Paddlewheeler Boatworks

555 River Rd, Ste 22

Joplin MO 64800-1111


Example 3.2. Multi-line Addressee

Some addresses requires three lines, especially if the "company" is an institution with a large campus or is housed in a large building or complex. In this example, the Contact Name stores the name of a specific person within the department, the Company Name field stores the department or building, and the Address 1 field is needed to store the actual name of the company or institution. This pushes the single-line street address down to the Address 2 field, but as you can see, this doesn't matter because the final output is a perfectly formatted address.

Field Sample Value
Contact Name Buck Hart
Company Name Ranger Sta
Address 1 Big National Park HQ
Address 2 12000 Hwy 1
City Big Tree
State/Province/Region CA
Postal Code 97777-7777
Country USA

Buck Hart

Ranger Sta

Big National Park HQ

12000 Hwy 1

Big Tree CA 97777-7777


Example 3.3. Multi-Line Street Address

Addresses that are exceptionally long and complex can require two lines, as in this example. In most cases two address lines are sufficient for addresses in North America, but if your organization stores addresses for members in other parts of the world in the Kavi Members database, a third street address line may be available. In this example the Contact Name field is left blank, but the address block still displays properly.

Field Sample Value
Contact Name  
Company Name ACME Inter-stellar Transport Research
Address 1 10001 NW Extremely Longwinded Name Rd
Address 2 Glouchestershire Hall S, 2nd Flr, Ste #555
City Upper Whatchymacallit Lake
State/Province/Region NY
Postal Code 14424-4444
Country USA

ACME Inter-stellar Transport Research

10001 NW Extremely Longwinded Name Rd

Glouchestershire Hall S, 2nd Flr, Ste #555

Upper Whatchymacallit Lake NY 14424-4444


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