Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 50. Edit a Company


Primary Contacts and other company administrators (i.e., users with the 'company_admin' role) can use the Edit a Company tool to view and manage company information. Certain kinds of company information may be displayed for reference only. If you see any information that needs to be changed but the field isn't editable, contact the Organization Admin or support.

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How to Edit your Company

Edit Company

Edit available company information such as the corporate address, privacy option preferences, or upload a new logo. The set of available fields is specific to your organization and is likely to vary from the fields listed here. Fields such as company name and URL might not be editable. Most of these fields are self-explanatory.

Option Description
Address If an address is collected for companies with this purpose, address fields are displayed. Contact Name is prefilled with the company name by default. This can be edited if desired.
Preferences If the organization offers a privacy opt-out for companies, you may set the privacy option that fits your company's preferences. Electing to hide your company's information may hide all or part of the information collected by the organization. Consult your organization's privacy policy to determine what information will be hidden.
Privacy Option

If you select 'No, do NOT share information', your information or entire account can be hidden, depending on site configuration. Selecting 'No, do NOT share information' has the following effects:

  • Hides the Company Roster from Company Representatives. Company administrators can still view this through the Manage Company Roster tool.

  • Removes (or partially hides) you from membership rosters and directories.

  • In Kavi Groups, sets 'Display my address and phone number in addition to my name and email address' to 'No'.

  • Administrators may also use Privacy Option settings to make decisions about any other places your company might be displayed on this site.

Billing Account Information

This section is displayed if you are an Individual Member and your organization uses Kavi Membership to issue bills for membership fees. Most fields are self-explanatory, but if you would like more information, see Billing Account Information in the document on Addresses.


You have just edited your company's information and the results are displayed for you to review. Any changes go into effect immediately.

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