Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 75. Add a User


Use the Add a User tool to add a new user account to the Kavi Members database. Use this tool when you want to add a user who can't use online sign forms, or who should bypass those forms for some reason.

Assign the user to a company, then add personal and contact information, privacy preferences and types. If Kavi Membership is installed and this is an Individual Member, you may select memberships. When you are done, you may opt to send this user a scheduled email containing a login link (or wait until the membership is approved).

This tool is only one of the ways that users can be added to the Kavi Members database. Individual members or company representatives can sign up online, Primary Contacts and other kinds of company contacts can be added when their company is added, and users may be added as a batch through the Upload Data tool.


Every user must belong to a company, so this user's company must exist in the Kavi Members database before this user can be added successfully.

User Purpose

Each user is assigned a Purpose that determines the kind of data that is collected for this user through this tool, and the way that the user is managed in the system. Read the Purpose descriptions to learn how to categorize your user and for tips on adding users who've been assigned a specific Purpose.

Table 75.1. User Purposes and Data Requirements

Purpose Description
Company Representative

The Company Representative User Purpose is available if this is a company-based or mixed organization. It is assigned to users who represent their company's interests in the organization. This user probably belongs to a Member Company, but may belong to a Nonmember Company.

Company representatives may be required to provide a primary email address that uses one of the company's accepted domains. If accepted domains are enforced on your website and you enter an email address that doesn't have an accepted domain, an error is displayed. As an administrator, you can enter this email address anyway, but if this address contains a company domain that wasn't recognized by the system, be sure to this domain to the company's list of accepted domains.

Most Company Representatives inherit the roles that provide basic website access through Company Types assigned to their company. Default Contact Types are preselected, but you may add Primary Contact, or other Contact Types if applicable.

Individual Member

The Individual Member Purpose is available if this is an individual-based or mixed organization. It is assigned to members who represent their own interests in the organization. An Individual Member is assigned to a a Company for Individuals.

Data requirements for Individual Members are more extensive than data requirements for users with other purposes.

Individual Members usually acquire the roles that provide basic website access through User Types. If the organization uses the classic Company for Individuals model, where a single company acts as an umbrella to group all individuals, the user may acquire access through a Company Type assigned to this company. Generally, the Contact Types assigned to Individual Members are for semantic classification only, and confer no roles.

Individual Nonmember

The Individual Nonember User Purpose is available if this is an individual-based or mixed organization and nonmember tracking is enabled. This user can be assigned to a Nonmember Company or Company for Individuals. Individual Nonmembers are uncommon, and if there are any on your site, there are probably only a few.

Data requirements for Individual Nonmembers tend to be lighter than data requirements for users with other purposes, especially compared with Individual Members.

Individual Nonmembers should be assigned any User Types and Contact Types that are normally auto-assigned on signup. These types are likely to confer roles that provide basic website access.

Staff Person

The Staff Person User Purpose is assigned to organization staff or to users who belong to staff companies and work in an administrative capacity.

Data requirements for Staff accounts vary and can't be generalized here.

Staff tend to require a much higher level of access privileges than other users. Staff may be assigned administrative or editorial User Types. In some cases, roles that provide administrative or editorial access are associated with the Company Type and inherited by all staff who belong to companies of that type.

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How to Add a User

Add information to this new user's account.

User Info

Field Description
Activity Note Add an Activity Note to this user's record for future reference. Once created, these notes cannot be edited, and are viewable through the User Activity History, which is accessible through Admin Area Tools and Report Area Tools. Company administrators can view a version of the User Activity History that doesn't include the Activity Notes. Only organization administrators can view Activity Notes.
Address Your organization may collect a mailing address or other address. For information on how addresses are used in Kavi Workspace, see the Concepts document on Addresses.
Admin User Types A list of administrative User Types assigned to this person. Admin User Types confer administrative roles that provide access to Admin Area or Reports Area tools.
Billing Account Information This section is displayed if your organization has Kavi Membership with Kavi Billing installed and this user is an Individual Member. Contact information that has already been entered may be used, or you may select 'Enter different information:' to have fields are displayed so you can enter Billing Account Information.
Company Name The name of the company to which this user belongs. The company name is a clickable link you can use to view and manage company information.
Contact Information This user's Contact Information, including full name, preferred title (e.g., Dr., Ms., Mr.), primary and alternate email addresses, phone and fax numbers. This section may also include a mailing address or other addresses.
Contact Types A list of any Contact Types assigned to this user. A Contact Type defines how the user represents their company to the organization. Privileged Contact Types, such as Primary Contact, may confer roles that provide access to the Company Admin Area, Kavi Edit access, etc.
General Types A list of general User Types assigned to this person. General User Types are used to categorize users but are unlikely to confer roles and access.
Last Login Date A time stamp updated the last time the user logged into the website.
Last Modified A time stamp updated the last time the user's information changed.

Available privacy preference options depend on your organization's policies and web site configuration.

The following options may be available:

Receive Members Email

If set to 'Yes, send general members email', all the usual email from the organization site is sent to this user. If set to 'No, do NOT send general members email', this user is unsubscribed from the members@(your site domain.org) email list and may be excluded from other email generated through the site's mailing lists and the 'Send Template-Based Email' tools.


Kavi® Groups messages go out to designated recipients on group rosters independently of this setting and some organizations have 'members-announce' lists through which they distribute mandatory announcements that do not respect this setting.

Privacy Option

If set to 'Yes, share information', user information will be displayed on the roster.

If set to 'No, do NOT share information', this user's information or entire account can be hidden, depending on the site configuration. Selecting this setting has the following effects:

  • Removes (or partially hides) this user from a roster of people from the same company available to this company

  • Removes (or partially hides) this user from membership rosters and directories

  • In Kavi Groups, sets 'Display my address and phone number in addition to my name and email address' to 'No'

Primary Email Address This user's primary email address. This is the address under which the user will appear on lists and rosters. If this organization enforces accepted domains, this will be a company email address.
Purpose The Purpose assigned to this user (e.g., 'Company Representative', 'Individual Member', 'Individual Nonmember', 'Staff'). Purpose determines what data is tracked for this user, how access is granted, and the way that the user is managed in the system.
Roles A list of any roles (e.g., 'member', 'wg_access', etc.) in this user's role cache. A user can acquire roles by being assigned Contact Types or User Types, or may inherit roles through Company Types assigned to their company. There may be multiple copies of the same role in a user's role cache if the role is associated with more than one type
Secondary Email Address This user's alternate email address, if this organization supports the use of secondary email addresses
Status This value is either 'active' or 'inactive'. An active user is displayed in rosters and directories and can login (assuming the user has the necessary types and roles). An inactive user cannot login, is usually hidden from rosters and directories, and does not receive all the email or mailing list messages that would be sent if the user were active.
Types Granted through Membership General User Types assigned to this individual through membership. These User Types are used to categorize Individual Members and frequently confer roles that grant access to Member Areas of the website.
View Access Configuration

Click this for an overview of all the User Types, Contact Types and Company Types in use on your website. This page also shows which roles are conferred through each type.

If Kavi Membership is installed, Company Membership Types are shown with their related Company Types, and Individual Membership Types are shown with their related User Types.

Send Email

Email notification is disabled by default, so be sure to set this to 'Yes' if you want email to go out.


You have just added a user and information about this user is presented for you to review. If you would like to add another user, click Add Another. If you would like to edit this user, click Manage this User.

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