Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 81. Change User Status


The Change User Status tool is used to activate or deactivate a user. Deactivating a user instantly revokes the user's website access without removing their account information. Activating a user instantly restores website access, assuming the user has the necessary types and roles. This tool is accessed from the Manage a User page, where a Deactivate User link is displayed for an active user, or an Activate User link is displayed if the user is inactive.

An inactive user cannot log in, so deactivating a user is a handy way to temporarily revoke website access while retaining the user's personal information, workgroup affiliations and password in the database.

To activate or reactivate a user, simply change the user's status to 'active'.


When deactivating a user, be sure you are familiar with your organization's privacy policy. If the policy requires user accounts to be permanently deleted when people leave the organization, use the Delete a User tool.

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How to Change User Status

Review the user's information to confirm that this is the user you wish to activate or deactivate.

Send Email

Email notification is disabled by default, so be sure to set this to 'Yes' if you want email to go out.

Activity Note

Add an Activity Note to this user's record for future reference. Once created, these notes cannot be edited, so they become a part of the User Activity History, which is only viewable through Admin Area Tools and Report Area Tools.

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