Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 76. Manage a User


Manage a User provides access to the data in a user's Kavi Members account, plus access to other tools used to manage this user's account. Data managed here includes the user's contact information, company affiliation, and roles and types that confer website access.

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How to Manage a User

Once you retrieve and select the user you want to manage, the Manage a User page provides access to all the tools you need to view and manage this user's account information.


Use the provided fields to set search criteria. For faster searches, set multiple search criteria to retrieve a narrowed set of results. When multiple fields are set, the results only include users who match all search criteria. If your search doesn't return the results you seek, use the Back button to return to the Search step and broaden your criteria by entering partial values in name or email fields or setting fields with drop-down lists back to the default values. If a field is set to the default value, the search results are not restricted by that criteria.

Field Description
Contact Type Set this value to retrieve users who have been assigned a specific Contact Type, such as 'Primary Contact'.
Company Set this value to retrieve users who belong to a specific company.
Company Type Set this value to search for users who belong to a company with a specific Company Type. A Member Company is usually assigned a Company Type that matches its Membership Type.
Name or Email Enter a full or partial value for the first name, last name, full name, username or email address of the user whose information you want to view — or leave this field blank to see all users who meet your other search criteria.
Purpose Use this to search for user's with a specific User Purpose, such as 'Company Representative' or 'Individual Member'.
Status In most cases you want the status to be 'Active', but you can also search for 'Inactive' users when needed.
User Type Set this to search for users with a specific User Type. An Individual Member is usually assigned a User Type that matches the Individual Membership Type.


The results of your search are displayed; select the appropriate user.


Information for the user you selected is displayed, along with links to tools that allow you to manage this information.


Link Description
Edit Click the Edit link to go to the Edit A User tool where you can walk through forms displaying this user's account information and change data as needed.
Edit Admin Info Click the Edit Admin Info link to skip directly to the Admin Info form.
Activate or Deactivate Click the Activate or Deactivate link to change this user's status. Deactivation instantly revokes the user's website access but leaves their account data intact. Reactivating a user restores website access, assuming the user has types and roles that confer access privileges. You may add an Activity Note for future reference.
Change Password Click Change Password to view this person's username or set a new password. You may add an Activity Note explaining the reason for the change. After setting the password or username, return to Manage a User and click Send Login Link so this user can set a private password.
Activity History The Activity History presents a searchable history of changes made to this user's account.
Send Email Click the Send Email link and the Send Template Blast to Users tool pops up, already set to go out to this user. You may change the email template and personalize the message if you wish.
Delete If you want to permanently delete all a user's information from the Kavi Members database, click the Delete link to go to the Delete a User tool.
Manage a Company Further down the form, in the Company Information section, the company name is a clickable link to the Manage a Company tool, which you can use if you want to view or edit company information.

User Types and Roles

Field Description
View Access Configuration

Click this for an overview of all the User Types, Contact Types and Company Types in use on your website. This page also shows which roles are conferred through each type.

If Kavi Membership is installed, Company Membership Types are shown with their related Company Types, and Individual Membership Types are shown with their related User Types.

Types Assigned through Membership If Kavi Membership is installed and your organization offers memberships to individuals, this shows the user's current Individual Membership Type and User Types conferred through this membership.
User Types
Roles A list of any roles (e.g., 'member', 'wg_access', etc.) in this user's role cache. A user can acquire roles by being assigned Contact Types or User Types, or may inherit roles through Company Types assigned to their company. There may be multiple copies of the same role in a user's role cache if the role is associated with more than one type.

Additional Information

This section contains privacy preferences and additional fields that are specific to your organization. Super Admins can view these fields in the Manage User Fields.

Field Description
Receive Email

This is available if the 'Provide Members Email Option' is enabled in Configure Privacy Options.

When Receive Email is set to 'Yes', all the usual email from the organization site is sent to this user. If set to 'No', this user is unsubscribed from the members@(your site domain.org) email list and excluded from most other email generated through mailing lists and the 'Send Template-Based Email' tools.

Messages sent from Kavi® Groups to users on a Group Roster are not affected by the Receive Email setting. A Group list may be configured to allow group participants to unsubscribe. Some organizations have 'members-announce' lists or Dynamic Mailing Lists designed to distribute mandatory announcements, that may be configured to ignore the Receive Email setting.

Privacy Option

This is available if 'Privacy Option' is enabled in Configure Privacy Options. The 'User Privacy Option Details' section in the Configure Privacy Options tool determines whether a user who opts out is completely hidden from rosters and directories, or is displayed with select contact information hidden (e.g., address, phone, primary email address).

If the Privacy Option is set to 'Yes', this user's information is shared and appears on rosters, directories and other areas. If set to 'No', this user's information is fully or partially hidden. Selecting 'No' has the following effects:

  • Hides this user's information when the Company Roster is displayed to other users from the same company. The user's information is visible to company administrators when viewing the full roster through the Manage Company Roster tool.

  • Hides this user's information on other rosters and directories.

  • In Kavi Groups, sets 'Display my address and phone number in addition to my name and email address' to 'No'.

  • The Privacy Option can be used by administrators to determine whether a user's information should be displayed in other areas of the website.


Membership fields are present if Kavi Membership is installed and configured, and this user's purpose is Individual Member. This section shows the member's entire membership history.

If any columns are sortable, the column heading is underlined. An arrow shows which column the data is sorted upon, and the direction of the arrow shows whether the data is ordered from top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top. Click a heading to sort the results by this column, and click again to reverse the order.

Field Description
Membership Type The Individual Membership Type. Administrators can view more information about this type by clicking the View Access Configuration link. Super Admins can view the complete details in the Manage Individual Membership Types tool.
Membership State The state of this membership in the membership workflow (e.g., 'current', 'archived', 'pending moderation', etc.).
Bill This column is present if Kavi Billing is installed. Click the Manage Bill link if you want to view or manage this membership bill in the Manage a Bill tool.
Term The term of this membership, as defined by the Start Date (i.e., the date the membership goes into effect) and the End Date.

Links to tools used to manage memberships.

  • Click Edit to set the member's renewal intentions, or to reset the start or end date.

  • Click Renew to renew a current membership with any type of membership. The renewed membership starts when this current membership expires.

    If you expect to see a Renew link here, but it isn't displayed, the membership was already renewed. The new membership may be in a pending state. To view the pending membership or complete the renewal process, use the links that are available for the new membership.

  • Click Replace to replace a current membership with another type of membership. The current membership terminates as the replacement membership goes into effect. Bills for replacement memberships usually need to be managed manually.

  • Click Delete to permanently remove a membership. This removes all trace of the membership from the membership history.

Activity History

This user's Activity History, which includes activity recorded automatically when user information changes and Activity Notes added manually by administrators.

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