KaviŪ Members Help

Chapter 99. View Email Schedule


Admins use the View Email Schedule tool to view the organization's scheduled email, which is sent by Kavi Members when certain kinds of events occur, such as when a membership is approved or expires. If you are unfamiliar with scheduled email, read the Manage Email Schedule page help.

The scheduled email presented here doesn't include email sent by other applications, such as KaviŪ Billing or KaviŪ Showcase.

Super Admins will also see a 'Manage' link that can be used to view or edit a scheduled email.

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How to View the Email Schedule

All your organization's scheduled email sent by Kavi Members is displayed. These are template-based messages sent out to provide notification about events that affect the organization's members, staff and administrators, member company representative accounts and memberships.

You may narrow the list of scheduled email by setting search criteria through the 'When:', 'Template Text:' or Recipient Type search fields and pressing Search.


This is a combination of the event that triggers the schedule email, and a time frame in relation to this event. The time frame is usually omitted because the email is scheduled to go out exactly when the event occurs (e.g., 'Company Is Activated', 'User Is Deactivated'), but if the email is scheduled before or after the event, this information will be included in the 'When' field. For example, a membership renewal reminder email could be scheduled to go out '30 Days Before Company Membership Is Expired', and a warning of impending deactivation due to a lapsed membership could be scheduled to go out '30 Days After Company Membership Is Expired'.


Recipients to whom the email will be sent and who will be cc'd. If this email is sent to individual members, staff or administrators, the recipient's actual name and email address may be included here. If this email is sent to company representatives, the recipient is usually an alias representing a type of contact, such as 'User' or 'Primary Contact'.


The name of the email template that will be sent.


The status of this scheduled email. This will be either 'Active' or 'Inactive'. Inactive scheduled email will never be sent.


Use the 'View' link for a detailed view of the scheduled email, including any restrictions that apply to the recipients, such as assigned types or purpose. The template is displayed with variables replaced by actual database values as an example of how the email will look to a recipient.

Super Admins will also see a 'Manage' link.

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