KaviŪ Members Help

Chapter 100. View a Scheduled Email


Admins use the View a Scheduled Email tool to view the details of a specific scheduled email sent by Kavi Members. These include details such as when the message is sent and recipient lists as well as restrictions on those recipients. The 'Email Template' section provides an example of how the email looks when it is sent, with template variables replaced by actual data.

To see different example of the template, press your browser's refresh button.

For more information, see the page help for View Email Schedule. If you are unfamiliar with scheduled email, see Manage Email Schedule.

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How to View a Scheduled Email

View the details of the scheduled email you selected. If you want to see the template displayed with a different data set, press your browser's refresh button.

Schedule Details


The event that triggers the schedule email and a time frame in relation to this event. If no time frame is specified, the email is sent out exactly when the event occurs.


Recipients to whom the email is sent and those who are cc'd.


Recipients are restricted to the types listed here.


The status of this scheduled email. This will be either 'Active' or 'Inactive'. If 'Inactive', this scheduled email is not being sent out.

Email Template

Template Name

The name of the email template that will be sent.


This is how the scheduled email's 'From:' field will appear to the recipient.


This is how the scheduled email's 'Subject:' field will appear to the recipient.


This is how the message body of the scheduled email will appear to a randomly selected recipient.

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