Modify Email Templates

Use this form to modify a group's email templates. These templates specify the default subject and body text for the approval and denial emails sent to group membership applicants. Note: To manage a group's email templates, you must have Email Templates Manage privileges and be a member of that group. Tip: After a new group has been set up or added, the text, "You have been approved for membership in this group" appears in the body of the Approval template, and "Sorry, you have not been approved for membership in this group" appears in the Denial email templates. You may wish to update these fields with your own group-specific text.

To modify the approval template:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose email templates you want to modify. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. In the Group Notes section, click Modify Email Templates. This takes you to the Modify Email Templates page for that group.
  3. For Approval Template Subject, the text, "Request to join Group Name Approved" is the default. All characters are allowed, up to 100; HTML is not allowed. Modify it or continue.
  4. For Approval Template Body, the current text appears. An unlimited number of characters (any type) are allowed; HTML is allowed. Modify it or continue.

Note: When a group is first set up or added, the default text for this field is, "You have been approved for membership in this group." You may wish to modify this text before approving any membership applications.

  1. When you are finished, click Modify Approval Template to accept your changes and modify the approval template, or click the Back button on your browser to return to the group home page.

Note: Required fields are designated by an asterisk (*). If you click Modify Approval Template and a required field is left blank, an error message appears in red next to the blank field heading. Enter the required information and click Modify Approval Template again.

  1. If you click Modify Approval Template, you go to the Modify Email Templates - Success page. From this page, you can select to edit the templates again or return to the group home page.

Note: If you want to also modify the denial template, you must modify it separately.

To modify the denial template:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose email templates you want to modify. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. In the Group Notes section, click Modify Email Templates. This takes you to the Modify Email Templates page for that group.
  3. For Denial Template Subject, the text, "Request to join Group Name Denied" is the default. All characters are allowed, up to 100; HTML is not allowed. Modify it or continue.
  4. For Denial Template Body, the current text appears. An unlimited number of characters (any type) are allowed; HTML is allowed. Modify it or continue.

Note: When a group is first set up or added, the default text for this field is, "Sorry, you have not been approved for membership in this group." You may wish to modify this text before denying any membership applications.

  1. When you are finished, click Modify Denial Template to accept your changes and modify the denial template, or click the Back button on your browser to return to the group home page.

Note: Required fields are designated by an asterisk (*). If you click Modify Denial Template and a required field is left blank, an error message appears in red next to the blank field heading. Enter the required information and click Modify Denial Template again.

  1. If you click Modify Denial Template, you go to the Modify Email Templates - Success page. From this page, you can select to edit the templates again or return to the group home page.

Note: If you want to also modify the approval template, you must modify it separately. Click Edit templates, make your changes, and click Modify Approval Template.

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