Join a Group

Use this page to easily join a group. Criteria for joining and an on-line membership application form are provided. Note: You must be a member of the parent group before you can join one of its subgroups. Also, when you join a group, you do not automatically become a member of its subgroup(s); you must join each subgroup individually.

To join a group:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group you wish to join. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. In the Group Description section, click Join This Group. This takes you to the Join page for that group.
  3. Carefully read the Criteria for Participation in Groups section. If you agree to the terms and conditions, continue to Step 4 and fill out the application form.

Note: Some organizations may not have any Criteria for Participation in groups. If that is the case, you will not be asked to agree to any terms (see Step 7).

  1. In Name, if your name is not provided, enter a partial name or email address in the text box and click Lookup. Click your name to select it.

Note: To join this group, you must already be a member of this organization.

  1. For Requested Role in this Group, select which type of member role you desire.

Note: You can have different member roles (with varying privileges) for each group you belong to.

  1. For Other, enter any pertinent information relating to your membership application. All characters are allowed (including spaces) with no maximum limit. However, HTML is not allowed.
  2. For Agreement, click Yes if you accept the terms and conditions of joining the group.
  3. When you finish, click Submit Request to process your membership application or Cancel to return to the Group home page without submitting your application.

Note: Required fields are designated by an asterisk (*). If you click Submit Request and a required field is left blank, an error message appears in red next to the blank field heading. Enter the required information and click Submit Request again. Depending on how the group you are applying to is configured, when you click Submit Request, one of the following happens:

Note: When you join a group, you are automatically added to that group's Mailing List. You can remove yourself from the mailing list if you wish using the Unsubscribe link on the Email Threads page of the group. When you next go to My Groups, the name of the group you joined appears under the My Groups heading. When you next go to the home page of the group you just joined, you now see these member-only items:

Note: Depending on the privileges associated with your member type, you may also see management links for various sections.

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