View Group Roster

This page allows you to view a list of group members. The list includes the member name, company name and role. There is a Show Info link to show expanded contact information and you can download a comma-separated file of roster members using the 'Export (CSV)' 'Export (Excel)' buttons.

Note: You must be a member of a group to view its roster. If you have Roster Manage privileges, you will see a link to Add group members to the roster and a link to the meeting attendance report. In the roster list, the Role column will contain drop-down boxes that allow you to Edit member roles, and the Manage column will contain an option to Delete a member. You can click on a member's name to see more about them and edit the date they joined the group. A link to the meeting attendance report appears at the top of the page.

To view the group roster:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose roster you want to view. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. In the Group Notes section, click Roster. This takes you to the Member Roster page for that group.

Note: If you have Roster Manage privileges, you see a Manage Roster link in the Group Notes section. See Manage Roster to learn how to make changes to the group roster.

  1. The default roster list includes all group members. To search for members by a specific role, select a role type from the Role drop-down list. If you want to include expanded contact information in your search results, click the Show Info button.
  2. Click Display. A list of members meeting the specified criteria displays below the search criteria section. Listed for each member are name, company and group role. If you selected to show contact information, postal address and phone number (if available) also display.

Note: The default sort is alphabetically by Company, then alphabetically by member last name. To change the sort-by field, click a linked column heading. The sort icon Sort ascending appears next to the heading, and the list displays in ascending order. To sort the list by that field in descending order, click the sort icon. The sort icon appears inverted Sort descending next to the heading, and the list displays in descending order. To sort the list in ascending order, click the sort icon again (it is a toggle).

  1. Scroll down the list to find the member you are looking for. To contact a member, click his/her name and it will open the an email form. Click on the member's name to see information about events they have attended, documents submitted, and action items owned. If you have roster management privileges, you may also modify the date this member joined the group on this page.

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