Edit Group Setup

Use this form to modify a group's setup information. Note: To modify a group's  setup, you must have Mange Group Settings privileges and be a member of that group.

Group Defaults

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose  description you want to edit. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Under the Group Notes heading, click Modify Group Setup. This takes you to the Modify Group Setup page for that group.
  3. For Email Notifications, check which actions should send email to the group by default. The item creator can always override this default when creating an item.
  4. For Calendar Event Type, choose the default calendar event type for when someone adds an event. The user can always pick another event type when adding an event.
  5. For Document State, choose the default document state for when someone uploads a document. The user can pick another document state when uploading a document.
  6. For Folder, choose the default folder for when someone uploads a document. The user can pick another folder when uploading a document.
  7. For Time Zone, choose the default time zone for when someone adds an event. The user can pick another time zone when adding an event.
  8. Click Submit Changes to save the new group settings. Clicking Submit Changes takes you to the Edit Group Setup - Success page. From here, you can Edit the Group Again or return to the Group Home. Click Cancel to return to the Group Home page without making any changes.

Group Configuration

Note: The following group configuration items may not be changed without contacting the group administrator.

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