Edit Group Notes

Use this form to edit a group's notes and description. Only members of the group see the Group Notes; visitors see the Group Description. Note: To edit a group's notes, you must have Edit Notes privileges and be a member of that group.

To edit group notes:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose  description you want to edit. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Next to the Group Notes heading, click Edit. This takes you to the Edit Group Notes page for that group.
  3. For Note, the current text appears. An unlimited number of characters (any type) are allowed; HTML is not allowed. Modify it or continue.

Note: Only members of this group see this text.

  1. For  Group Description, the current text appears. An unlimited number of characters (any type) are allowed; HTML is not allowed. Modify it or continue.

Note: Only visitors to this group see this text.

  1. When you finish, click Submit Changes to modify the text or Cancel to return to the group home page without modifying the notes.
  2. If you click Submit Changes, the notes are updated and you go to the Edit Group Notes - Success page, which shows the updated notes (and current description) information. The changes you made appear on the group home page, visible to members only. From the Success page, you can select to edit the notes again or go to the group home page.

Note: To see your changes as a non-member, go to the group home page and click View This Page as a Visitor.

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