Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 36. Company Representative Signup


If your company (i.e., company, academic institution, government bureau, etc.) is a member of this organization, you can use the Company Representative Signup form to apply for an account on this organization's website.

The signup process may include forms that display buttons or checkboxes that you must click to indicate agreement with the organization's terms and conditions, or other prerequisites.


If you aren't able to submit your application successfully, see Signup Tips at the end of this document.

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How to Apply for a Company Representative Account

Complete and submit the application form. After submitting the form, you are taken to a confirmation page that provides further instructions. When your application is approved, you'll receive a welcome email with a login link and instructions on logging into the website.

Application Form

Enter your information into the application form. Be particularly careful to enter your primary email address correctly, because a welcome email with a login link is sent to this address. If your email address is entered incorrectly, you won't receive this welcome email. When your application form is complete, click the Submit Application button.

Company Information

You may be asked to select your company from a list, or you may be matched with your company based on your email address domain. If this site matches representatives to companies based on email domain, you must use your company-issued email address to sign up.

Personal Information

Enter your name, salutation and title exactly as you would like it to appear on the organization's website. By default, this information is displayed to other members of your company on the company roster, in groups in which you participate, and member directories or other pages unique to this site.

If a mailing address is requested, use the address where you prefer to receive mail from the organization. The address fields are quite flexible. Enter your name in the Contact Field unless someone else is the designated recipient. For further instructions, see the Concepts document Addresses.

Contact Information

Enter your primary email address and any other contact information requested by the organization. Many organizations require you to enter a primary email address with a domain that matches one of the domains on your company's accepted domains list. The form may collect alternate email addresses, phone numbers and a mailing address.


Field Description
Receive Email

This is available if the 'Provide Members Email Option' is enabled in Configure Privacy Options.

When Receive Email is set to 'Yes', all the usual email from the organization site is sent to this user. If set to 'No', this user is unsubscribed from the members@(your site domain.org) email list and excluded from most other email generated through mailing lists and the 'Send Template-Based Email' tools.

Messages sent from Kavi® Groups to users on a Group Roster are not affected by the Receive Email setting. A Group list may be configured to allow group participants to unsubscribe. Some organizations have 'members-announce' lists or Dynamic Mailing Lists designed to distribute mandatory announcements, that may be configured to ignore the Receive Email setting.

Privacy Option

This is available if 'Privacy Option' is enabled in Configure Privacy Options. The 'User Privacy Option Details' section in the Configure Privacy Options tool determines whether a user who opts out is completely hidden from rosters and directories, or is displayed with select contact information hidden (e.g., address, phone, primary email address).

If the Privacy Option is set to 'Yes', this user's information is shared and appears on rosters, directories and other areas. If set to 'No', this user's information is fully or partially hidden. Selecting 'No' has the following effects:

  • Hides this user's information when the Company Roster is displayed to other users from the same company. The user's information is visible to company administrators when viewing the full roster through the Manage Company Roster tool.

  • Hides this user's information on other rosters and directories.

  • In Kavi Groups, sets 'Display my address and phone number in addition to my name and email address' to 'No'.

  • The Privacy Option can be used by administrators to determine whether a user's information should be displayed in other areas of the website.


When you complete the application and click Submit Application, a success page is displayed to show that your application was successfully submitted and provide information about what happens next in the application process. You can bookmark this page.

If the organization moderates the company representative signup process, your application is sent to your company's Primary Contact or another moderator for approval, in which case your account isn't activated immediately.

Once your application is approved and your account is activated, a welcome message with a login link and instructions is sent to your primary email address. The link provides one-time login privileges. Click the link to go to a secure webpage where you set the password that you'll use to login from now on. You may also edit your system-assigned username. Once you've set your password, use it the next time you log into the site.

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Signup Tips

  • If your company listed, it may not be active. This can happen when the company's membership is pending or has expired. Check with your primary contact to see if the company's membership is current.

  • If you get an error message that your email domain is unknown, your company may be inactive, or the domain may not on the list of accepted domains. This can happen when your company domain or mailserver hostname changes. This address takes the form 'user.name@example.com' where 'example' is a domain that belongs to your company. If the mailserver is included in the domain, the address takes the form 'user.name@hostname.example.com'.

    After double checking to be sure the email address has been entered accurately, send an email to the address listed in the error message.

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