Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 139. Configure Individual Membership Applications


If your organization offers memberships for individuals, use the Configure Individual Membership Application Options tool to configure membership application forms for new applicants and renewing members. Since Kavi Members requires all users to be associated with a company, users must be matched with a company as part of the application process. This may be a real-world company or a company for individuals added to the Kavi Members database solely to group individuals. If you aren't familiar with this concept, see Managing Users and Companies.

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How to Configure Individual Membership Applications

Set Options

Set options to define how the applicant will be assigned to a company, whether the applicant will be redirected to a specific URL or return to the page where the application was initiated, and whether the application process will include a terms and conditions agreement.

The first three options work together to control the way that new and renewing individual will be matched with their companies.

The first three options work together to control the way that new and renewing individual members will be matched with their companies.

  • The organization can automatically assign all applicants to the same company for individuals. This company is usually an abstract entity that exists only in the Kavi Members database, as opposed to a real-world company.

  • The organization can require all applicants to select their company from a dropdown list that includes real-world companies. This configuration restricts individual members to a list of approved companies.

  • The organization can allow applicants to select their company from a list or type in the name of their company, which will be added to the database if it doesn't already exist and the application is approved. Once it is in the database, it will appear in the list of companies from which applicants can select. The drawback to allowing users to type in their company names is that the database stores each variant of the company name as a unique company (e.g., Kavi Corp., Kavi, Kavi Software, etc.).

  • The organization can require all applicants to type in the name of their company. This isn't generally recommended because it presents increased opportunity for storage of multiple company name variants in the database.

Individual Membership Application Options

Default Company for Individual Members

If applicants will be allowed to select their company from a list, set which company will be preselected in the list, then set the next option 'Select Company from List' to 'Yes'. In most organizations, this should be set to a company created specifically to group individuals. The list may also include companies that exist in the real world. If the option 'Allow Individuals to Request New Company' is set to 'Yes', companies added by individual members will appear in this list by default.

If the organization doesn't want to display a list of companies, this field should remain set to the default, 'Select a Company'.

Select Company from List

Set whether a list of companies will be displayed to applicants so they can select their company from the list. If 'yes', you must set the preferred default value in the list in the 'Default Company for Individual Members' option. If the organization wants to allow applicants to add companies that aren't currently available in the list, you should also set the option 'Allow Individuals to Request New Company' to 'Yes'.

Set this to 'No' if applicants will be automatically assigned to a default company for individuals or, if 'Allow Individuals to Request New Company' is set to 'Yes', can type in the name of their company.

Allow Individuals to Request New Company

Set whether an applicant should be allowed to enter a company name. This option is

Post-Application URL for Individuals

Enter the URL for the page to which users should be automatically redirected after completing the Individual Membership Application form, or leave this field blank to have the user returned to the page from which the form was accessed.

Terms and Conditions


Set this to 'New Members' or 'Renewing Members' or both, or leave it blank if the organization doesn't want to have a terms and conditions click-through agreement.

Terms and Conditions

If this organization requires new or renewing members to agree to terms and conditions as a prerequisite for submitting an application, enter a Terms and Conditions statement as plain text or HTML.

Click-Through Text

Enter the labels for the pair of links that will be displayed on the terms and conditions page that indicate whether the user a) agrees to the terms and conditions or b) does not agree.


You have just configured the individual membership application options for this organization, and this information is displayed for you to review. Your new settings will be implemented immediately!

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