Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 151. Edit a Scheduled Email


Super Admins use the Edit a Scheduled Email tool to change the schedule, conditions or recipients of a scheduled email. You can also edit the email template, select a different template or add a new template through this tool.

Edits performed through this tool are persistent. If you want to customize a template to send a message to a select group of recipients on a one-time basis, use the Send Template Blast to Company Representatives or Send Template Blast to Users tools.

Once a scheduled email has been added, you can't change what the email is about. Since the selection of the correct entity on the About step can be based on some rather subtle distinctions, there are times when the wrong entity is selected and there is no choice except to start over with a new scheduled email and a new template. You may want to copy content from the misconfigured template into a new template but remember that it may contain some variables that are incompatible with the new About setting.

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How to Edit a Scheduled Email

The Select and Manage steps were performed through the Manage Email Schedule tool, so begin by resetting the schedule if you wish, then proceed to set details or managing the email template as desired. You must press Save on the Preview step in order to save any edits you have made.


This step allows you to reset the event or time the email should go out in relation to the event (e.g., exactly on, or days, weeks or months before or after the event). For more information, see The Zen of 'When'.


You may use this step to edit details including the template, limitations on the conditions under which the email is sent and recipient types. Press Next when you are satisfied with your settings.

Set Sending Details

The 'When' information set in the previous step is displayed.

Email Template

If you leave this set to the current template, select a different template, or select 'Add a New Template' if you'd like to create a new template rather than use one that already exists. If you select an existing template, you will be able to edit it on the next step if desired.


Set conditions to restrict the list of recipients to whom the email will be sent.


Set any options if desired.

If this is about a membership, you can set whether this message is sent to new members only or to renewing members only. If both check boxes are empty or both are selected, the Email Scheduler doesn't check whether the member is new or renewing when sending the email.


The types vary according to the entity the email is about (e.g., if the email is about Users, these are User Types; if the email is about Company Representatives, these are Contact Types). Leave this option set to 'Any type' if you want the message sent to all types. If you want the message sent to specified types, select those types only.


This option is displayed if this email is about Companies or Users. If this email is about a User, these are User Purposes; if this email is about a Company, these are Company Purposes. Leave this option set to 'Any purpose' if don't want to filter the message based on purpose. If you want the message sent only to companies or users with specific purposes, select those purposes only.


Select the type of recipients to whom this email should be addressed. If you don't specify a 'To:' address, the first address in the Cc: field is copied into the To: field.


Select the types of recipients you want cc'd on this email. You may also type or paste plain-text email addresses into the 'Email Addresses' text box.


This step allows you to reconfigure an existing email template or add a new one. When you are satisfied with the template, press Next.


The 'When' information shows when the email is scheduled to be sent out.

Template Name

The name of this email template.


The recipients you selected on the Details step are displayed.


The From address set for this email template.


The Subject line for this email. You may use any of the variables listed in the 'Variables' section of the page, but remember to keep the subject brief.


This appears as the message body when the email is sent. You may use any variables listed in the Variables section at the bottom of the tool. On the Preview set you can see how these variables will look when filled with values from the database. For more information, see Kavi Members Email Template Variables.


Review information about your scheduled email and template, and set whether it becomes active immediately or not. If you want to edit any of your settings, press Back. When you are ready to save your scheduled email, press Save. If you added or edited an email template, your template is saved at this time.

Schedule Details

The options you have set for 'When', 'Recipients', types and 'Conditions' are displayed.

Email Template

The template name is displayed, along with a preview of the 'From', 'Subject' and message text.


Set this option to 'Active' if you want the scheduled email to go into effect immediately.


Set this option to 'Inactive' if you do NOT want the scheduled email to go into effect immediately. No email will be sent for an inactive scheduled email but Admins can use it to send email blasts.


You've just edited a scheduled email and your changes will go into effect immediately! If you edited the template, those changes apply as well.

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