Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 1. Member Management for Your Organization's Website

Introduction to Kavi Members

Kavi Members is the member management component of Kavi Workspace. All website users login and are authenticated through Kavi Members. The Kavi Members database stores company, user and membership data — including data about users' site access permissions — and all Kavi products draw on this database for contact information and website access management.

If you are a new website user, company administrator (e.g., Primary Contact, Company Admin) or Organization Admin, this document points you towards the tools you need to view and manage account information.

If you don't see the information you need on this page, the Kavi Products and Online Help section on the Getting Started tab can help you get oriented, or you might prefer to use the Search feature at the top of this page. A higher-level introduction to Kavi Workspace and related products is available in Familiarizing Yourself with Kavi Products, which includes navigation tips.

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Your Personal Account

Like every active user with an account in Kavi Workspace, you can view and manage the data in your account through User Area tools provided specifically for account holders. Each user sees only his or her own account data when using these tools.

The 'My Account' Page

My Account is a landing page that provides links to all the tools you need to manage your account, including links to tools in other Kavi Workspace components. Examples include the Kavi Members Change My Password tool and Kavi® Mailing List Manager's My Mailing Lists page.

Click here to go to the My Account page.

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Are You a Company Representative?

If your company has an account, you are probably classified as a Company Representative (specifically, you are assigned the User Purpose of 'Company Representative').

Each company has a Primary Contact or other "company administrator," and these users have access to the data in your company's account through Company Admin Area tools. Some of your account date is included in the data that is available to your company's administrators. A company administrator can edit certain information in your account (e.g., your name, phone number, etc.) and may be able to assign additional access or remove you from the company roster if you leave your position. Company administrators cannot view or edit your password, which is kept private from everyone (except the Organization Admin, who sometimes needs access to this information in order to administrate the website).

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Are You a Company Administrator?

If you have been designated as your company's Primary Contact, Company Admin or other company administrator, you have access to tools used to manage your company's information and your company's roster.

My Company

This page is available to company representatives who have been designated as Primary Contact or Company Admin. It provides links to tools they can use to manage their company's account, including tools available through other applications. Examples include: a link to Kavi Members "Manage Company Roster" tool, Kavi® Showcase's "Manage Profiles", and Kavi® Billing's "Manage Account".

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Are You an Organization Administrator?

Reports Home

This page provides links for report administrators from all applications that they can access. Examples include: Kavi Members Reports menu (which has links to all Kavi Members reporting tools), Kavi® Registration Reports Menu, and Kavi Showcase Reports Menu.

Admin Home

This page provides links for organization administrators from all applications that they can access. Example links provided here include links to the administrative tools for Kavi Members, Kavi® Groups, and Kavi® Commerce.

Figure 1.1. Tool links on the Admin Home page

Screenshot of the Admin Home page.
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Sharing Information

Kavi Members stores the names, phone numbers, email addresses and other contact information used by many other applications. Certain information, particularly membership details and fields that are specific to the website, may only be available through Kavi Members tools. This is a one-way sharing of information out from Kavi Members to other applications.

Some applications, such as Kavi Showcase, have incomplete sharing with Kavi Members, so that users are independently assigned as contacts in Kavi Showcase and this information isn't viewable through Kavi Members Manage a User or other tools.

Figure 1.2. How Kavi Members shares user and company information

Diagram showing Kavi Members master record sending contact information to other applications.

Data Shared with Kavi® Groups

Kavi Groups access is synchronized with the Kavi Members database on a daily basis, so that users who are activated or deactivated in Kavi Members can be added or removed from Kavi Groups. Kavi Groups uses the following information from Kavi Members.

Company Information Shared with Kavi Groups

  • Company name is shown on group rosters

User Information Shared with Kavi Groups

  • The full name and title are shown on group rosters and associated with any items submitted by that user.

  • The mailing address and phone numbers can be shown on group rosters.

  • The primary email address is automatically subscribed to group mailing lists and is the reply-to address used in contact forms.

  • The secondary email address can be automatically added to the list of accepted posters for a group's mailing list.

  • The privacy option is used to determine whether groups should automatically hide or show a user's contact information on group rosters.

Data Shared with Kavi Showcase

Kavi Showcase can be configured to automatically create profiles for new members, and information stored in profiles can be linked to the corresponding records in the Kavi Members database and automatically updated when the information in the Members database changes. Kavi Showcase displays the following information from Kavi Members.

Company Information

  • Company name, URL and mailing address are shown on company profiles

  • Up to four designated company contacts may also be shown on company profiles

User information

  • The user's full name and title, mailing address and work phone number may be shown on: user profiles, when the user appears as a company representative on company profiles, and when the user is the contact for a catalog item.

  • The primary email address is used to determine where to deliver email sent via contact forms

Data Shared with Kavi Billing

Kavi Billing can be configured to automatically create billing accounts for companies or users based on a designated purpose. Kavi Billing displays the following information from Kavi Members.

Billing Contact Information

  • The Billing Contact Information, which is set in Kavi Members for use in Kavi Billing.

Account Holder Information

  • The account holder (i.e, the user or company) information including the name, address, phone numbers, etc.

Other Applications

Kavi Members shares user names and email addresses with these applications in addition to those listed above: Kavi Mailing List Manager, Kavi Edit, and some third-party products.

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Assigning Access to Users

When a Kavi application is installed, it provides any roles and types it requires to Kavi Members. Administrators can then grant this access to users as needed. For example, when Kavi Showcase is installed, it supplies a Showcase Moderator user type to Kavi Members. Organization administrators can then assign Showcase Moderator User Types to users to provide access to Kavi Showcase tools as needed.

For more information, see Roles, Types and Access.

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