Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 112. View Access Configuration


Use the View Access Configuration tool to view all types defined for your organization's Web site. These may include Company Membership Types and Individual Membership Types, as well as Company Types, User Types and Contact Types. Each Membership Type has a list of Company Types or User Types that are assigned to members who acquire this type of membership. Each Company Type, User Type and Contact Type has a list of roles that are conveyed when the type is assigned to a company or user.

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How to View Access Configuration

View available types and roles and click links to tools you can use to manage types and roles.

Company Membership Types

This heading will be displayed if the organization offers company memberships and has Company Membership Types defined. Click the heading to go to the Manage Company Membership Types tool.

Defined Company Membership Types

All types defined for the organization are listed beneath the 'Company Membership Type' heading. Company Types assigned through each Company Membership Type are also listed, along with a set of roles conferred through these types. Click a Company Type to go to the Edit a Company Type tool where you can view the roles this type conveys and its Category.

Click a specific role to go to the Edit a Role tool. Default roles can't be edited, so tool links aren't provided for default roles.

Company Types

Under this heading you will find Company Types that aren't in the 'General (through membership only)' category. Click the heading to go to the Manage Company Types tool, or click a specific Company Type to go to the Edit a Company Type tool where you can view the roles this type conveys, and of course, edit the type as needed.

Click a specific role to go to the Edit a Role tool. Default roles can't be edited, so tool links aren't provided for default roles.

Individual Membership Types

This heading will be displayed if the organization offers individual memberships and has Individual Membership Types defined. Click the heading to go to the Manage Individual Membership Types tool.

Defined Individual Membership Types

All types defined for the organization are listed beneath the 'Individual Membership Type' heading. User Types assigned through each Individual Membership Type are also listed, along with a set of roles conferred through these types. Click a User Type to go to the Edit a User Type tool where you can view the roles this type conveys and its Category.

You may also click a role to go to the Edit a Role tool. Default roles can't be edited, so tool links aren't provided for default roles.

User Types

Under this heading you will find User Types that aren't in the 'General (through membership only)' category. This includes default as well as custom types. Click the heading to go to the Manage User Types tool, or click a specific User Type to go to the Edit a User Type tool where you can view the roles this type conveys, and of course, edit the type as needed.

You may also click a role to go to the Edit a Role tool. Default roles can't be edited, so tool links aren't provided for default roles.

Contact Types

Under this heading you will find all Company Administration and Contact Types defined for the organization. This includes default as well as custom types. Click the heading to go to the Manage Contact Types tool, or click a specific Contact Type to go to the Edit a Contact Type tool where you can view the roles this type conveys, and of course, edit the type as needed.

You may also click a role to go to the Edit a Role tool. Default roles can't be edited, so tool links aren't provided for default roles.


Under this heading you will find a list of roles associated with this type. This generally includes default roles, but may include custom roles as well. Click the heading to go to the Manage Roles tool, or click a specific role to go to the Edit a Role tool.

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