Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 83. Add a Company


Use the Add a Company tool to manually add a new company and set information about the company. Depending on the Company Purpose and the kinds of information your organization collects for companies with this purpose, you may be asked to enter a company URL, upload a company logo, set privacy options and provide various kinds of contacts and contact information.

You may manually assign Company Types that are available for company's with the selected Company Purpose. Company Types may confer roles that are inherited by all users who belong to the company. When adding a company manually, any Company Types that are ordinarily assigned automatically are preselected. As a general rule-of-thumb, you want to leave the defaults as they are. If membership is enabled on your website, you will not be able to assign types that are assigned through membership, since these are assigned and revoked automatically as the company's memberships become current and expire.

If membership is enabled and this is a Member Company, memberships may be added and managed and the administrator may set whether this company appears on signup and application forms. If accepted domains are enforced in Kavi Members at any level, be sure to enter each member company's accepted domains to enable user signup for this company. A member company added without accepted domains won't be displayed on the Company Representative Signup form until this situation is remedied by adding accepted domains for this company.


The word "company" is broadly defined in Kavi Members as an entity that groups users. The companies in an organization's database may include commercial enterprises, nonprofit corporations, educational institutions, government agencies, etc. These may also include companies that don't exist in the real world, but are added to group individuals in the database, since every user in the database must belong to a company. Organizations that offer memberships to individuals or track individual nonmembers must add companies specifically to group these users. Staff and administrators must be added to the database as well. When an organization directly employs its own staff and administrators, one of the 'companies' in the database will represent the organization itself, or at least, organization staff.

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How to Add a Company

Company Info

Enter general information about the company, including purpose, name and address, and privacy preferences. Most options are self-explanatory.

Company Option Description
Purpose This company's purpose. This can include 'Member Company' or 'Staff Company'. If this is a mixed or individual-based organization, the list of purposes also includes 'Company for Individual Members'. 'Nonmember Company' appears if nonmember tracking is enabled. For more information see Company Purposes.
Company Name Enter the company's full name as it should be printed on a roster or mailing label.
Company URL Enter the full, official URL for this company, including the prefix http:// (e.g., http://www.example.com)
Address If an address is collected for companies with this purpose, address fields are displayed. Contact Name is prefilled with the company name by default. This can be edited if desired.
Billing Account Information This member's Billing Account Information. This field may include a link you can click to view and manage this member's Kavi Billing account.
Image or Logo Add a company image or logo. If Kavi® Showcase is installed, this graphic will be part of the information from the Kavi Members database used to populate the company profile.
Privacy Option This option controls whether a Company Roster is available to Company Representatives. Administrators may use this field to make decisions about whether this company should be displayed in other places that are unique to this site. This setting DOES NOT impact any other mailing lists or contact options on this site, including those in Kavi® Groups.

Membership Info

This form is displayed if you are adding a company whose purpose is 'Member Company'. Use this form to enter company membership information, including the name of the primary contact and any membership types for this company. Set a start date for the selected memberships if you want to override start dates that would otherwise be applied automatically.

MembershipOption Description
Primary Contact

Add the first and last name of the primary contact for this company. Be sure to add the following information for the primary contact (if available): primary email address, work phone and fax number.

If the 'Primary Contact' option in the Configure Company Membership Applications tool has been set to 'Do NOT request', you will not be able to add primary contacts through the Add a Company or Edit a Company tools. You can always add primary contacts through the Manage a Company tool. You can also use the Manage a User tools and designate a primary contact by assigning the 'Primary Contact' User Type to a user who belongs to this company.

Membership Type Select the membership type.
Start Date Leave these values set to their defaults to have the Start Date set automatically when the membership is approved and goes current. You can manually set the Start Date to a specific date if you want to override the date that would have been set automatically.

Admin Info

On this step you review the types that are automatically assigned, and manually add other types when appropriate. If this is a Member Company, configure Company Representative Application options.

Types and Access

Field Description
View Access Configuration

Click this for an overview of all the User Types, Contact Types and Company Types in use on your website. This page also shows which roles are conferred through each type.

If Kavi Membership is installed, Company Membership Types are shown with their related Company Types, and Individual Membership Types are shown with their related User Types.

Types Assigned through Membership If Kavi Membership is installed and your organization offers memberships to companies, this shows the company's current Company Membership Type, and Company Types conferred through this membership.
Company Types Company Types assigned to this company (independently of any that might be assigned through membership). All this company's users inherit roles associated with these types. 'General' Company Types may be associated with roles that provide basic website access. Types in the 'Admin Access' category provide administrative access, so these are generally assigned to Staff Companies only.
Types and Access Options Description
Types Granted through Membership General Company Types assigned to this company through membership. All this company's users inherit any roles associated with these types. These Company Types are used to categorize member companies and frequently confer roles that grant access to Member Areas of the website.
General Types A list of general Company Types assigned to this company. All this company's users inherit any roles associated with these types. 'General' Company Types are used to categorize companies but are unlikely to confer roles and access.
General Types A list of general Company Types assigned to this company. All this company's users inherit any roles associated with these types. 'General' Company Types are used to categorize companies but are unlikely to confer roles and access.
Administrative Access Company Types that convey Admin access are rare. If there are any of these on your website, they are probably only available to Staff Companies.
Editorial Access Company Types that convey Admin access are rare. If there are any of these on your website, they are probably only available to Staff Companies.

Company Representative Signup

This section is displayed if this is a Member Company.

Company Representative Signup Option Description
Show on Signup This option controls whether the company is or is not displayed on the Company Representative Signup form.
Accepted Email Domains

Enter a complete set of accepted domains for this company. A company's email domain is based on the domain of the company's URL, and appears in company email addresses following the @ symbol. For example, the domain of username@example.com is example.com. The domain does NOT include the @ symbol.

The list of accepted domains provided by a company should include all the domains that may be used by users signing up as company representatives. Users whose domains are not included in this list will not be able to signup until the domain is added. In domain matching, subdomains such as 'research.example.com' match 'example.com', so as long as 'example.com' is on the list of accepted domains, it is not necessary to include the subdomain.

Do NOT include the @ symbol or an error will occur. For more information, see Accepted Email Domains.

Activity Note

Add an Activity Note to this company's record for future reference. Once created, these notes cannot be edited, so they become a part of the Company Activity History, which is only viewable through Admin Area Tools and Report Area Tools.

Send Email

This page displays all the email scheduled to go out for the actions you've just performed. If you want to send email, set the 'Send Email' option to 'Yes'. You may edit the email message or address fields if desired. When you click Continue, the email is sent out immediately.


Information about the company you added is displayed for you to review. If you would like to add another company, click the Add Another button.

If you decided to compose a simple email rather than sending a template-based, scheduled email you can use the Send Simple Email tool. Copy the 'Public Membership Status Page' link and paste it into the email for the recipient, along with some simple instructions such as:

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